
Building a New Scotland: Justice in an independent Scotland

This paper sets out the Scottish Government's vision for justice in an independent Scotland.

What our proposals mean for you

We would use the full powers of independence to continue working towards a justice system that provides a just, safe, and resilient Scotland. The proposals in this publication would further develop a justice system that can be effective in reducing crime and harm while providing access to justice for those who need it. The proposals in this paper would allow you to:

  • feel even safer across Scotland, by giving our justice system access to the full range of policy and operational tools needed to keep you safe
  • be assured by a strong commitment to a human rights-based approach - we will create a framework where your rights will be protected in line with the highest international standards, including the European Convention on Human Rights
  • be at the centre of our approach, by ensuring our justice system continues to focus on person- centred and trauma-informed services for victims and survivors, reducing victimisation, and tackling violence against women and girls
  • benefit from safer communities by continuing to focus on prevention, early intervention, and rehabilitation as key aspects of this government’s policy approach



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