
Building regulations - compliance and enforcement: consultation

We are seeking views on the development of a new Compliance Plan Manager role within the building standards system which will apply to specific High Risk Building (HRB) types, the definition of these HRBs and the level of fines where work is not carried out in accordance with the regulations.

Part 4 – Impact Assessments And Responding To The Consultation

Equality Impact Assessment

The Scottish Government does not think that the proposals in the consultation will have potentially negative impacts for equality groups. However, we welcome your comments on the impact of the proposals on particular groups of people in respect of their age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation, being pregnant or on maternity leave and children's rights and wellbeing. Your views on the impact of these proposals will be used to inform the final Equality Impact Assessment that will be prepared in support of any changes required to the building standards legislative framework.

Question 4.1 - Are there any proposals in this consultation which you consider to impact or have implications on equality groups? Choose from the following options:

Yes / No / Unsure

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the box below. If selecting yes, please specify which of the proposals you refer to and why you believe specific groups will be impacted.


Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

To help us determine the impact of the policies proposed in the consultation, we are interested to find out if these proposals would lead to increased costs and/or impact on resources for you or your business (if applicable).

Any comments received will be used to inform the final BRIA which would be prepared in support of any new or amended guidance or legislation.

Question 4.2 - Do you think that any of the proposals in this consultation have any financial, regulatory or resource implications for you and/or your business (if applicable)? Choose from the following options:

Yes / No / Unsure

Please select only one answer and provide any comments in the boxes below. If selecting yes, please specify which of the proposals you refer to and why you believe financial, regulatory or resource implications will be impacted.




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