The Building (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024: Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment

Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact assessment carried out in relation to the The Building (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2024


7. As a result of the evidence gathered and analysed against all UNCRC requirements, what is the potential overall impact of this proposal on children’s rights?):

Children’s Rights

No impact

8. If you have identified a positive impact on children’s rights, please describe below how the proposal will protect, respect, and fulfil children’s rights in Scotland.

9. If a negative impact has been identified please describe below. Is there a risk this could potentially amount to an incompatibility?

Mitigation Record

What options have been considered to modify the proposal in order to mitigate negative impact or potential incompatibility issues?

Please summarise mitigation actions taken below


10. As a result of the evidence gathered and analysed against all wellbeing indicators, will the proposal contribute to the wellbeing of children and young people in Scotland?


If yes, please provide and explanation below:

11. How will you communicate to children and young people the impact that the proposal will have on their rights?

The CRWIA will be published on the website alongside the SSI so those wishing to access it can do so. The CRWIA has been written in an accessible and child friendly format so those reading it can understand its content and impact/ no impact.

Post Assessment Review and sign-off

12. Planning for the review of impact on children’s rights and wellbeing.

As part of the decision-making process, plans for reviewing the impact on children’s rights and wellbeing need to be developed.

  • How will the impact of the proposal on children’s rights and wellbeing be monitored?
  • When will you review and update the CRWIA if required?

If new information comes to light throughout implementation, this will be assessed for potential impact on children and young people. However, this is not anticipated due to the nature of the regulations.

13. Sign off:

Policy Lead Signature & Date of Sign Off: John Fagan 15 August 2024

Deputy Director Signature & Date of Sign Off: Robbie McGhee 15 August 2024

Date CRWIA team first contacted: 6 August 2024



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