
Building Standards technical handbook 2017: domestic buildings

The Building Standards technical handbooks provide guidance on achieving the standards set in the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004 and are available in two volumes, domestic buildings and non-domestic buildings. This publication is available in html and also in PDF format (in 'supporting documents' ).

0.9 Building standards applicable to construction

Regulation 9

(1) Subject to paragraph (2), construction shall be carried out so that the work complies with the applicable requirements of schedule 5.

(2) Only the requirements of the standards set out in paragraphs 1.1, 3.17, 3.18, 3.19, 3.20, 3.21, 3.22 and 4.4 of schedule 5 apply in the case of the construction of a building of a type described in paragraph 23A.

0.9.1 Explanation

Regulation 9 and schedule 5 are the heart of the building standards system as they set out what must be achieved in building work. The standards are given in full along with the associated guidance on compliance in sections 1 – 7 of the Technical Handbooks. Sections 1 - 7 relate directly to the basic works requirements, as published by the EC, which buildings and works are expected to satisfy when they have been properly designed and built.

The seven sections are:

Section 1 Structure (EC - Mechanical resistance and stability)

Section 2 Fire (EC - Safety in case of fire)

Section 3 Environment (EC - Hygiene, health and the environment)

Section 4 Safety (EC - Safety and accessibility in use)

Section 5 Noise (EC - Protection against noise)

Section 6 Energy (EC - Energy, economy and heat retention)

Section 7 Sustainability (EC - Sustainable use of natural resources)

The basic work requirements are also subject to overall requirements related to durability, which are covered in regulation 8.

The guidance on suitable provision to meet the building regulation standards is given without assurance that any other legislative or administrative requirement might apply more onerous standards.

In considering which standards apply, where more than one is relevant to any building work all the standards should be met.

0.9.2 Schedule 5

The mandatory standards in schedule 5 are given in the seven sections of this Handbook (Structure, Fire safety, Environment, Safety, Noise, Energy and Sustainability) and are therefore not repeated here.

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