
Making Scotland's buildings safer for people: consultation

Consultation on a review of building and fire safety regulatory frameworks in order to help ensure the safety of people in and around Scotland’s buildings.


As a result the tragic events at Grenfell Tower, London on 14 June 2017, a Ministerial Working Group was set up to oversee a review of building and fire safety regulatory frameworks, and any other relevant matters, in order to help ensure that people are safe in Scotland’s buildings, and make any recommendations for improvement as required.

Why are we consulting

The initial focus of the Ministerial Working Group was on high rise domestic buildings and providing appropriate reassurance to residents and communities about their safety. In addition, the Group identified medium to long-term actions to be taken forward which included fire and safety advice, and the adequacy of current fire and building regulatory frameworks. As part of this work two expert review panels were set up to review aspects of the Scottish building standards system. A background to the current system is provided in Annex A.

The first panel’s remit was to review compliance and enforcement aspects of the building standards system and the second panel’s remit was to review building standards and Technical Handbook guidance primarily relating to fire safety in high rise domestic buildings but also considering other building types where applicable.

This consultation consolidates the recommendations of the two review panels and seeks to obtain the views and opinions of stakeholders on proposals for the building and fire safety regulatory frameworks in order to help enhance the safety of people in and around Scotland’s buildings.

The review panels covered two main areas:

  • The roles and responsibilities of people verifying, inspecting and certifying building work and strengthening and compliance with and enforcement with building regulations.
  • The specific fire safety standards relating to external cladding and cavities, escape, the provision of sprinklers and finally, the proposal for a “central hub” for verifying complex fire engineered solutions.

The proposals outlined in the consultation aim to:

  • improve compliance with building standards during the design and construction of buildings, particularly complex and high value public buildings, making them safer for occupants; and
  • address fire safety related issues in relation to new build or refurbishment of high rise domestic buildings.

How we would like you to help

This consultation is comprised of 41 questions and is set out in four parts:

  • Part 1 seeks your views on the compliance with and enforcement of building regulations.
  • Part 2 seeks your views on the fire safety building standards.
  • Part 3 seeks your views on two miscellaneous aspects of building standards.
  • Part 4 seeks your views on areas of the building standard system for further consideration (note that these areas mainly arose through the compliance and enforcement review panel).
  • Part 5 seeks your views on the impacts of the proposals on equality groups and businesses.

Responses to the consultation will be used to inform the final policy and impact assessments that will be prepared in support of any legislative changes.


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