
Building Standards customer journey

The customer journey explains the building standards system to anyone making home improvements or starting building work.

The journey is split into five key areas, with two supplementary annexes of supporting material:

  • introduction to the Scottish building standards system
  • main stages of the building warrant process
  • role of approved certifiers of design
  • role of approved certifiers of construction
  • role of local authority verifiers

  • annex A, helpful information

  • annex B, links to additional information and glossary

We explain the roles and responsibilities of the home owner in relation to the building standards process, and outline where people intending to carry out building work can seek guidance and help.

the customer journey.pdf



Telephone: 0131 244 6511

Scottish Government Building Standards Division
Almondvale Business Park
Denholm House
West Lothian
EH54 6GA

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