
Building Standards (Fire Safety) Review Panel 2021 minutes: January 2022

Minutes from the fourth meeting of the group on 24 January 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Peter Drummond               RIAS (chair)                                         
  • Sam Allwinkle                   CIAT                                                    
  • Colin Blick                         Welsh Government (WG)                     
  • Charles Elie-Romeyer        DLUCH                                                          
  • Colin Todd                        Independent expert                              
  • Craig Ross                        RICS                                                             
  • Damian Fairley                  DFP NI                                                
  • David Metcalfe                  SFE/CWCT                                          
  • Eoin O’Dowd                     DBLGH Eire                                         
  • Jim McGonigal                  IFE                                                      
  • Angus Law                        UoE                                           
  • Merl Forrer                       Independent expert (BS 8315 Chair)                 
  • David Douley                    SFRS                                                  
  • Brian Tierney                    LABSS                                                 
  • Hywel Davies                    BRAC chair / CIBSE (parent to SFE)     
  • Bill Connolly                      NHS                                                              
  • Stephen Garvin                 BSD SG                                              
  • Colin Hird                          BSD SG                                    
  • Steven Scott                     BSD SG                                              
  • Scott Young                      BSD SG                                              
  • Debbie Smith                    BRE / FSH21                                                                              


  • Steve Fawcett                   HfS                                            
  • Peter Caplehorn                CP                                             
  • Jim Glockling                    FPA                  

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The Chair welcomed all members of the Fire Safety Review Panel and explained the meeting protocol; apologies were noted. 

The Chair reiterated the intention to have open, free-ranging discussions and the need for such discussions to be confidential although notes of meetings summarising key points and actions will be circulated by BSD.

The Panel should follow the general guidance for transparency set out by the Standards Commission for Scotland.  Any declarations or conflict of interest should be noted in writing to the Scottish Government (SG) and updated as appropriate in the normal manner.

Papers were provided to members prior to the meeting to allow discussion.

Background was provided by a member of the panel in relation to the ongoing   work around competence within the construction sector in the UK.

Noted that BSD have opened consultation on the compliance plan approach.

Minutes of 26 May 2021 meeting

The minutes of the previous review panel meeting held on Wednesday 26 May 2021 were agreed.

An update on previous noted actions was provided the industry steering group work on competence and the publication of PAS 9980.

Actions noted for meeting 3 minutes:

  • Reformat numbering in section 3 to match other sections of the report for consistency

Other actions noted at this meeting:

  • BSD to compare and contrast PAS 9980 with SAN re: possible implications /impact.
  • Following 2 links to be sent to RP group:

Letter from Lord Greenhalgh to Dame Judith Hackitt, Chair, Industry Safety Steering Group (

Built Environment Competence Standards | BSI (

Mandatory standard 2.7 – spread on external walls

SG Officials provided members with a brief reminder of the proposed changes to the wording of standard 2.7 and a summary of the consultation outcomes.

Ensuing discussions confirmed a consensus for recommending option 1, as detailed in the paper and the consultation. It was also felt that clarity should be provided in supporting guidance.

Subject to legal advice by SG solicitors, option 1 is agreed.

Definition and ban of category 3 metal composite material (MCM)

Members were reminded of the previously agreed proposed definition for category 3 MCM which was taken to public consultation and were provided with a summary of the consultation responses on both this definition and whether a ban should be in guidance or regulation.

Discussion took place between members.

RP recommendation is to ban in regulation but with improved guidance, including clarity on applicability to building types.

Use of large scale fire test BS 8414

Members were provided with a brief on the content of the paper which considers the use of the large scale BS 8414 fire test. A summary of the consultation outcomes was provided. 

Members were provided with the opportunity to discuss the various consultation options and key issues e.g. evidence base, cavity barriers, as built versus designed, compliance plan approach, current research etc.

RP members were of the view that Euro Class A-F was controlled through regulatory guidance in support of the mandatory standards.

RP recommendation is to maintain the current status quo and therefore agreed upon option 1 and retention of 11m height.

Consequential matters- combustible exemptions

Members were provided with a brief of the key issues and summary of the consultation results.

Members were provided with the opportunity to discuss.

Industry guidance to be forwarded to BSD for their consideration.  

The BSD recommendation for a more detailed future review and research in this area was accepted by the RP.

SG officials to pass on any consultation responses by the Wood Panel Industry Federation, the Structural Timber Association and Homes for Scotland to DLUHC.

Replacement cladding – proposed change to building regulations

Members were provided with a summary of the paper and BSD proposals.

Members generally support the change and suggested further work on unintended consequences i.e. listed buildings and any increased costs associated with local authority building warrant applications.

BSD to formulate guidance, for clarity, to support any change.

European classification F

Members were provided with a summary of the paper and BSD proposals.

Members were provided with the opportunity to discuss.

RP agreed with the proposals to re-introduce Euro Class F in controlled circumstances.

Actions agreed - next steps

Minutes of meeting 3 to be published in due course.

All actions noted above in clauses 2.3, 2.4,6.3,6.5 and 7.3 to be completed in due course.

RP members were thanked for their contributions and a reminded that a submission would be sent to Ministers to agree final fire policy direction.   

Next meeting

A note of the meeting will be issued in due course.

RP agreed no need for further meetings and the BSD would only revert back to or inform the panel if any notable change or new information came to light through the Grenfell Tower Inquiry.

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