
Building standards - Futures Board Programme: workstream information

A programme to support sustainable improvements to the building standards system and increase the level of compliance with building regulations.

Digital transformation strategy workstream

The aim of the digital transformation strategy is to influence change within the Building Standards Division (BSD), Local Authority Building Standards (LABSS), local authority verifiers (verifiers) and the user base of Scotland’s building standards system.

The efficiency and effectiveness of the system will improve through increased use of digital tools, services, and ways of working. This will lead to improved compliance with the requirements of building regulations and standards.

A major aim was securing building standards interests and the eBuildingStandards Portal as part of the Digital Planning Programme - although secure this programme has now closed. 

A substantial research programme has been carried out in  in partnership with BE-ST, to support digital transformation of the building standards system. We will consider the next steps and development opportunities in the coming months.

Working with the LABSS Digital Transformation Group/Digital Delivery Group the workstream has supported the implementation of national guidance on the use of remote site inspections. Partnership working with stakeholders has supported the development of the LABSS Digital Transformation Group/Digital Delivery Group into the Digital Hub within the Scottish Building Standards Hub.

We have developed options for documenting the digital information for buildings “golden thread” with partners such as Scottish Futures Trust, BE-ST, BuildingSmart International and CivTech. The promotion and development of data standards across the 32 local authority Verifiers and their software supplier is another key area of activity.

The workstream supports the information requirements across all work of the Futures Board Programme. As the workstreams develop and mature, further support will be required, particularly the digital requirements to support a strengthened compliance agenda.

Further developments will include research into why and how information management, including building information modelling, could be integrated into the building standards process in Scotland. As well as investigating the potential for Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve compliance with building standards in Scotland.



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