Building standards: national annual verification performance report 2022 to 2023

This report provides aggregated information on the national level of performance of verifiers on the key performance outcomes of the building standards Performance Framework for Verifiers 2021.

5 Key Performance Outcomes

5.1 The performance framework is supported by a range of key performance outcomes (KPOs). They embed a culture of continuous improvement underpinned by a greater focus on peer review, benchmarking and sharing of best practice.

5.2 The performance framework includes reporting criteria and performance targets. These measure service delivery and can be used to highlight good practice (see Table 1).

5.3 The performance framework is used by verifiers to inform customers on performance levels, identify areas for improvement and prioritise actions.

5.4 All verifiers produce an Annual Verification Performance Report, which is publicly available on their own local authority websites – see link below:

Table 1: Key Performance Outcomes (KPO) and national performance targets

Professional Expertise and Technical Processes

KPO1 - Minimise time taken to issue a first report or to issue a building warrant or amendment to building warrant

1.1 - 95% of first reports (for building warrants and amendments) issued within 20 days – all first reports (including building warrants and amendments issued without a first report).

1.2 - 90% of building warrants and amendments issued within 10 days from receipt of all satisfactory information – all building warrants and amendments (not including BWs and amendments issued without a first report).

KPO2 - Increase quality of compliance assessment during the construction processes

2.1 - Targets to be developed as part of future review of KPO2.

Quality Customer Experience

KPO3 - Commit to the building standards customer charter

3.1 - National customer charter is published prominently on the website and incorporates version control detailing reviews (reviewed at least quarterly).

3.2 - 95% of BSD requests for information on a BSD ‘Verifier Performance Reporting Service for Customers’ case responded to by verifier within 5 days.

KPO4 - Understand and respond to the customer experience

4.1. -Minimum overall average satisfaction rating of 7.5 out of 10.

Operational and Financial Efficiency

KPO5 - Maintain financial governance

5.1 - Building standards verification fee income to cover indicative verification service costs (staff costs plus 30%).

KPO6 - Commit to eBuilding Standards

6.1 - Details of eBuilding Standards to be published prominently on the verifier’s website.


  • 75% of each key building warrant-related process being done electronically
  • Plan checking
  • Building warrant or amendments (and plans) being issued
  • Verification during construction
  • Completion certificates being accepted

KPO7 - Commit to objectives outlined in the annual verification performance report

7.1 - Annual verification performance report published prominently on website with version control (reviewed at least quarterly).

7.2 - Annual verification performance report to include performance data in line with KPOs and associated targets (annually covering previous year e.g. April 2020 – March 2021).



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