
Building standards operating framework: April 2021

Defines operational standards to be met by local authority verifiers and how to meet them.

1. Introduction

The Building (Scotland) Act 2003 (the Act) and associated legislation set out the role of verifiers in the Scottish building standards system. Their primary function is to protect the public interest by providing an independent check of applications for building warrant to construct or demolish buildings, to provide services, fittings or equipment in buildings, or to convert buildings. This includes checking during the design phase before granting a building warrant and checking during the construction phase before accepting a completion certificate.

Verifiers are appointed by Scottish Ministers under section 7(1)(a) of the Act. Regulation 30 of the Building (Procedures) (Scotland) Regulations 2004 requires that, before making an appointment of a verifier, the considerations to which Scottish Ministers shall have regard to shall include Qualifications; Competence; Accountability to the public; and Impartiality.

Verifiers are expected to operate under the Building
Standards Verification Performance Framework which
covers three perspectives – Professional Expertise and
Technical Processes; Quality Customer Experience; and Operational and Financial Efficiency. There are three
cross-cutting themes of Public Interest, Continuous
Improvement and Partnership Working. The framework
is supported by a range of key performance outcomes.

The framework set out in this document clarifies how
this and supporting functions may be achieved within the operating requirements of a verifier appointed by Scottish Ministers. The documented operating processes of each
verifier must address the following functions:

1. Integrity And Operational Resilience
1.1 Acceptance of verifier appointment
1.2 Resourcing
1.3 Business management and operational resilience
1.4 Financial integrity
1.5 Conflict of interest

2. Administration Of Building Warrant Applications And Completion Certificate Submissions
2.1 Management of applications for building warrants
2.2 Management of completion certificates (including inspection regimes)
2.3 Quality assurance of building warrant and completion certificate decisions
2.4 Adherence to legislative procedures, appeals and complaints

3. Maintain Records To Facilitate Effective Business Operation And Periodic Audit By The Scottish Government
3.1 Provision of information for business and performance management (including minimum requirements for review and record keeping) 3.2 Provision of information for members of the public (including minimum requirements for review and
record keeping)
3.3 Reporting and audit by the Scottish Government



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