Building standards - verifiers: professional competency framework

The professional framework introduces a national methodology for assessing competence with defined entry points to show a clear career progression path for those considering a career in building standards.

5.0 Mapping against this framework

5.1 This section sets out how this Professional Framework should be applied in assessing the competence of individuals involved in undertaking building standards functions.

5.2 The Professional Framework provides a single and nationally consistent set of standardised job roles that comprise the building standards profession. Everyone working in the profession will be mapped to one of these job roles to indicate how their role in the profession is positioned on the Professional Framework.

5.3 As part of the initial validation of competence using the CAS, an individual's current role and responsibilities will be mapped and compared to a standard job role, which will ensure that their job role is recognised in the CAS. The mapping will be discussed and agreed between the manager and job holder.

5.4 The Professional Framework does not affect pay and grading. It indicates entry points, qualification requirements and career progression routes in a single and comprehensive structure.

5.5 The standardised job roles in the Professional Framework are consistent with the CAS to ensure there is a single approach to setting required levels of competence for individuals in the profession. Local job role titles can be maintained but the standardised job role should be used in recruitment campaigns and when carrying out a revalidation of competence using the CAS.

Validation and Revalidation

5.6 The outcome from completing the CAS validation assessment will show any skills gaps. This will assist in the identification of future training needs and training delivery for each individual in the profession. Once the initial CAS assessment is carried out, the findings will be used to develop competence as a building standards professional. The Operating Framework incorporates the CAS to ensure every verifier is developing the competence and resilience of their workforce.

5.7 It is not expected that current members of the profession will have or be working towards the qualification levels specified. However, the qualification levels provide an indication of requirements for entry to the profession and progression within it. Everyone should align their current job role to a standardised role as closely as possible, regardless of any qualifications held or not.

Skills Gap Analysis

5.8 The CAS validation assessment process provides a skills gap analysis for individuals to help with the identification of training required for their job role and for career progression.

5.9 Verifiers are required to provide a summary of the skills gap for their service to Scottish Government on an annual basis by 1 July each year, see annex A.

5.10 This information is used as evidence to support the development and ongoing maintenance of vocational and academic courses leading to accredited qualifications to ensure learning provision keeps pace with the needs of the profession.



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