Building standards - verifiers: professional competency framework

The professional framework introduces a national methodology for assessing competence with defined entry points to show a clear career progression path for those considering a career in building standards.

1.0 Introduction

Why this Professional Competency Framework has been produced

1.1 The Professional Framework standardises the job role descriptions across the whole building standards profession nationally, for the first time in Scotland. This provides a consistent national approach to the assessment of competency for individuals working in the profession across all 32 local authority verifiers in Scotland.

1.2 The Professional Framework aims to improve the profession by ensuring individuals operate within their level of competence, and have the skills and experience required whilst undertaking the verification role. The result is a sustainable verification service with professionals to meet the demands of the service.

1.3 The competency and capability required by individuals to carry out their job role is set out against the supporting CAS. The Professional Framework complements the CAS by providing a common language to improve communication and understanding of the building standards profession.

1.4 The CAS provides a coherent structure for all job roles, skills, qualifications and experience requirements for building standards professionals. It sets out a clearly defined career pathway, and identifies the skills and experience needed to progress into more senior roles. It will also aid those seeking a profession in building standards to understand how different job roles are used for career progression.

1.5 A full description of the competencies and skills required across a set of twelve job roles is provided in the CAS. The CAS enables individuals to identify their skill gaps and find learning and development opportunities using the CAS Toolkit to expand their competencies and achieve accredited qualifications for their career progression.

1.6 The Professional Framework is presented in an easy to use format to ensure it is user friendly and accessible to everyone.



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