Building standards - verifiers: professional competency framework

The professional framework introduces a national methodology for assessing competence with defined entry points to show a clear career progression path for those considering a career in building standards.

2.0 Purpose of the framework

2.1 This Professional Framework should be used to establish the competence and capability of individuals including their validation and revalidation. Validation and revalidation are carried out annually by the line manager against the criteria set out in the CAS for different types of buildings.

2.2 The Building Standards Competence Knowledge Base is set out in the CAS and details the general and specialist building knowledge and understanding required to assess compliance of building work taking into account existing and emerging technology and industry practice.

2.3 Section 6 sets out the level of competence expected against each job role descriptors in the matrix of the CAS.

2.4 Section 7 sets out the job role descriptors to be used in the mapping application against the Professional Framework. The job roles are defined by:

  • Role level – a descriptor to provide a way to differentiate between levels of responsibility and competence.
  • Role title – main role description used to standardise all role titles in accordance with the CAS.
  • Work covered – a summary of the typical type and complexity of duties undertaken by each job role.
  • Qualifications – the expected level of SCQF accredited qualification for each job role to indicate an entry point into the profession.
  • Experience – the experience necessary to gain an understanding of the building regulations and building standards system to carry out work competently.



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