Building standards - verifiers: self-assessment tool - April 2021

Self-assessment tool aimed at supporting verifiers in evaluating their approach to continuous improvement to meet their obligations under the Building Standards Operating Framework 2021.

Business Area 1: Improvement-focused leadership

Q. How are you doing in respect of improvement-focused leadership?

What? Look at how your leaders develop a strategic direction which motivates and inspires people to develop.

Why? How change is managed and communicated by leaders can directly impact the culture and overall capacity of the service to improve.

Provide summary statements to highlight where you think you are.

  • How effective are initiatives aimed at developing your leaders?
  • Can you demonstrate that the service is well led and has senior level support?
  • Can you demonstrate that staff and stakeholders understand and value the service's purpose, values and aims?
  • How do you enable staff to feel motivated, empowered and supported to contribute to quality improvement and development of the service?
  • Can you demonstrate staff feeling confident and empowered with knowledge and skills to respond effectively to complaints and adverse events?
  • How is an improvement culture encouraged within the service?
  • What processes are in place to innovate and improve the service?
  • Are customer experience outcomes considered when developing innovative improvement ideas?

Q. How do you know this?

  • What evidence is there that there is a culture of continuous improvement embedded across the service?
  • Can you show year-on-year trends of continuous improvement across all your Key Performance Outcome targets under the Performance Framework 2021?
  • Can you demonstrate that employees have confidence in their leaders?
  • Can you show examples of feedback from employees being used to improve the quality of services?

Q. What do you need to do better or differently?

  • What are the key next steps or areas for improvement the service needs to take forward in improving quality and improvement-focused leadership?

Any further comments about improvement-focused leadership?



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