Building standards - verifiers: self-assessment tool - April 2021

Self-assessment tool aimed at supporting verifiers in evaluating their approach to continuous improvement to meet their obligations under the Building Standards Operating Framework 2021.

Business Area 5: Impact on staff

Q. How are you doing in respect of impact on staff?

What? Gather information on your employees' experience of how services are delivered and the level of involvement staff have in making improvements.

Why? If staff feel engaged, supported, motivated and valued then they are more likely to deliver high quality services to customers.

Provide summary statements to highlight where you think you are.

  • How do you measure and monitor staff views over time to identify whether they feel engaged, supported, motivated and valued?
  • How do you involve staff in planning and delivering the organisation's vision, values and aims?
  • How do you ensure staff have all the information that they need?
  • How do you ensure staff can access the resources and equipment they need?
  • How do you use feedback from staff to drive improvement and how do you inform staff of changes made in response to their feedback?
  • How do you support staff to improve their performance?

Q. How do you know this?

  • What evidence do you have about how staff feel and is the evidence up to date?
  • Can you demonstrate feedback from staff being used to improve the quality of services?

Q. What do you need to do better or differently?

  • What are the key next steps or areas for improvement the service needs to take forward in improving the impact on staff?

Any further comments about impact on staff?



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