Building standards - verifiers: self-assessment tool - April 2021

Self-assessment tool aimed at supporting verifiers in evaluating their approach to continuous improvement to meet their obligations under the Building Standards Operating Framework 2021.

Business Area 6: Impact on partners and industry

Q. How are you doing in respect of impact on partners and industry?

What? Look at how you work alongside and engage with partners and industry (e.g. LABSS Executive and Consortia, local and national forums, local and central government, academia, professional bodies, industry groups and associations).

Why? Knowledge sharing across the industry promotes consistency in how building standards verification is undertaken. Working in partnership can improve adaptability to changing business environments.

Provide summary statements to highlight where you think you are.

  • How do you engage with partners and industry about the services delivered?
  • How do you assess whether partners and industry feel sufficiently engaged?
  • How do you know whether partners and industry have confidence in your service?
  • To what extent do you encourage and support innovation in partners and industry?
  • How do you use feedback from partners and industry to drive improvement?
  • How effective are processes in encouraging collaboration with stakeholders?
  • How is learning and intelligence shared with external stakeholders?
  • How effective are mechanisms for doing this?

Q. How do you know this?

  • What evidence do you have about how partners and industry feel about your service?
  • Can you demonstrate feedback from partners and industry being used to improve the quality of your service?
  • What evidence is there of shared intelligence and how has been used to improve the service?
  • To what extent do you influence wider policy and practice (local, national, international)?
  • Can you demonstrate effective outcomes/improvement from collaboration with external stakeholders or partners?

Q. What do you need to do better or differently?

  • What are the key next steps or areas for improvement the service needs to take forward in improving the impact on partners and industry?

Any further comments about impact on partners and industry?



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