
Building standards - verifiers: self-assessment tool - April 2021

Self-assessment tool aimed at supporting verifiers in evaluating their approach to continuous improvement to meet their obligations under the Building Standards Operating Framework 2021.

Business Area 7: Impact on customer experience

Q. How are you doing in respect of impact on customer experience?

What? Gather information on your customers' experience of your services and the level of involvement customers have in making improvements (e.g. direct and indirect customer segments; agents; applicants; developers; contractors; householders and landlords).

Why? If you can design your service by responding to your customers' needs then it is more likely to be fit for purpose and cost effective.

Provide summary statements to highlight where you think you are.

  • How do you identify and meet your customer needs?
  • How do you clearly communicate, advise and openly engage with your customers?
  • How do you ensure customers have all the information that they need?
  • Is your Customer Charter up to date and relevant to your customer base?
  • How do you work with customers when planning and making changes?
  • How do you support customers to provide feedback on their experiences?
  • What is done with feedback, how is it shared and who is it shared with?
  • How is customer feedback used to drive improvement?

Q. How do you know this?

  • What evidence do you have about the quality of services delivered to customers?
  • Can you demonstrate that customers have confidence in your service?
  • Can you show examples of feedback from customers being used to improve the quality of services?
  • What evidence do you have that communications are tailored to different customer segments and that their customer journey is assessed from their perspective?
  • Can you demonstrate that you fully meet KPO3 and KPO4 (Quality Customer Experience) under the Performance Framework 2021?
  • Can you show how customer focus is embedded into your strategies and supporting plans?

Q. What do you need to do better or differently?

  • What are the key next steps or areas for improvement the service needs to take forward to improve the impact on customer experience?

Any further comments about impact on customer experience?



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