Building standards - workforce data collection: analysis report 2023

Provides a national-level view of the challenges facing the building standards profession in relation to resourcing, development of competencies and levels of turnover.

5.0 Workforce Demand

5.1. There remains a consistent demand for staff in most roles in the building standards profession. There is an increase in the overall demand of 13 (2.1%) from 2022. See Table 1.

5.2. The roles with an increase in demand are Manager, Lead Surveyor, Senior Surveyor, Surveyor, Assistant Surveyor, Technician, Administrator (pooled resources) and other roles. There remains a demand in the medium to longer term for most job roles (see illustration 1).

Table 1: Demand
Role 2021 2022 2023 Difference from 2022 (+/-)
Manager 28 28 31 +3
Team Leader 43 47 44 -3
Lead Surveyor 22 22 23 +1
Senior Surveyor 51 54 56 +2
Surveyor 224 209 212 +3
Assistant Surveyor 49 50 52 +2
Graduate Surveyor 19 19 17 -2
Building Inspector 41 43 41 -2
Technician 21 23 24 +1
Administrator (dedicated resource) 43 40 39 -1
Administrator (pooled resource) 67 64 70 +6
Other Specialist (structure, fire, etc) 13 7 7 0
Other Role 11 18 21 +3
Total 632 624 637 +13
Illustration 1 – Staffing Demand Per Role – Current, Medium, Long and Longer Term
A bar chart presenting current and future staff demand per role



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