Building standards - workforce data collection: analysis report 2023

Provides a national-level view of the challenges facing the building standards profession in relation to resourcing, development of competencies and levels of turnover.

8.0 Demographic Profile

8.1. The demographic of the workforce is gradually changing to a younger profile with 319 (53%) aged 49 and under the number of staff aged 50 has increased by 22 to 279 (47%) in 2023.

8.2. In the age range of 16-39 there has been a gradual increase from 163 (28%) in 2021 to 201 (34%) in 2023. Notable is the increase in the 16-24 age range, 23 (4%) in 2021 to 36 (6%).

8.3. There is a reduction in the number of staff in age range 40-49, with increases in all other age ranges. See Table 4.

Table 4: Demographic
Age Range No. 2021 No. 2022 No. 2023 Difference from 2022 (+/-)
61+ 49 42 46 141 +4
56-60 86 84 95 +11
50-55 130 131 138 457 +7
40-49 141 125 118 -7
30-39 106 110 119 +9
25-29 34 40 46 +6
16-24 23 27 36
Total 569 559 598 +39
Illustration 3 – Age Profile of Permanent Employees
A pie chart presenting the age profile of permanent employees, by age category



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