
Building Standards Year of Young People: attracting young people into a career in building standards

This project investigated why young people are not choosing a career in building standards and looked for ways to encourage them.

Appendix 4 - Young People Survey

About the survey and respondent profile

During the course of the project, a total of 478 young people in Scotland between the age of 16-21 years participated in an online survey aiming to investigate reasons for the presently low recruitment levels of young people into the Building Standards profession.

Of the respondents, 184 (39%) were attending school at level S5, while 189 (40%) were attending school at level S6. In addition, 65 (14%) were studying at college and a further 40 young people (8%) were studying at university.

Figure 12: Current status

Figure 12: Current status

Base: 478

The majority of survey respondents thus fell within the target groups of the Graduate Apprenticeship and other pathways for young people listed by job websites and the LAs.

Figure 13: Home region of respondents

Figure 13: Home region of respondents

Base: 478

In addition, the survey respondents represent a relatively even gender balance with 254 (53.2%) male, 217 (45.5%) female and 6 (1.3%) identifying as "Other".

Figure 14: Gender of respondents

Figure 14: Gender of respondents

Base: 477

Respondents spanned a range of ages from 16-25, with more than two thirds (78%) aged 16 or 17.

Figure 15: Age of respondents

Figure 15: Age of respondents

Base: 470

The 105 respondents to the survey (79 males and 25 females and 1 other) who confirmed studying for qualifications other than at S5 and S6 levels were studying for the following qualifications:

Figure 16: Type of qualification studied by respondents

Figure 16: Type of qualification studied by respondents

Base: 105

In terms of subjects studied by the previously mentioned 105 respondents, Surveying, Building (e.g. brickwork, wood trades, painting and decorating) and Design represented the top-three, while there was a large discrepancy with many other disciplines listed, which were virtually not studied at all.

Figure 17: Subjects studied by respondents

Figure 17: Subjects studied by respondents

Base: 105

Supplementary charts

Figure 18: Respondents' future plans

Figure 18: Respondents' future plans

Base: 475

Figure 19: Factors influencing decisions on which subjects to study further

Figure 19: Factors influencing decisions on which subjects to study further

Base: 286

Figure 20: Intention to pursue a career in a related subject

Figure 20: Intention to pursue a career in a related subject

Base: 285

Figure 21: Most and least attractive types of organisations to work for

Figure 21: Most and least attractive types of organisations to work for

Base: 883 (multiple responses possible)

Survey content

Are you considering whether to go to college, University or to start a career? Do you fancy being in with a chance of winning Amazon vouchers?

We'd like to hear your views on career options and the types of information you need to help you decide. This survey should take no more than 7-8 minutes to complete.

To thank you for your time, everyone completing this online survey has the chance to win one £150 Amazon voucher or one of three £50 vouchers.

If you would like to be entered into the prize draw, please complete your contact details when prompted at the end of the survey.

The prize draw will be administered by Pye Tait Consulting. All entries must be received by 15th February 2019. Entries received after this date will not be entered into the draw. The draw will be held on 1st March 2019 and the winner will be notified by email no later than 12th April 2019. The winner will be announced on the Pye Tait website by 18th April 2019. The prize cannot be substituted for a cash alternative.

To view our privacy note at

About the research

The Scottish Government's Building Standards Division are reviewing the existing career paths and looking at the potential for new opportunities within the building standards profession. This is being undertaken to support the Year of Young People 2018.

The results of the survey will be used to inform a careers strategy.

This research is being conducted by Pye Tait Consulting on behalf of the Scottish Government's Building Standards Division. In line with the Market Research Society Code of Conduct please be assured that your answers will be treated anonymously, and you will not be identified.

If you have any queries about this survey, please contact Clare Vokes at Pye Tait Consulting, via (telephone 01423 509433).

About you

1. Where do you currently live?

Central Scotland
Highlands and Islands
Edinburgh and Lothians
Mid Scotland and Fife
North East Scotland
South Scotland
West Scotland

2. How old are you? [drop down]


3. Are you male or female?


If 'other', please specify

4. Which one of the following options best describes what you are doing now?

Attending school - S5 Go to Q7
Attending school - S6 Go to Q7
Studying at college Go to Q5
Studying at university Go to Q5

Young People attending College/University

5. What type of course/qualification are you currently studying?

Foundation/Modern Apprenticeship
National Certificate
National Progression Award
Professional Development Award
Degree (undergraduate)
Degree (postgraduate)

If 'other', please specify

6. Which subject are you studying?

Building (e.g. brickwork, wood trades, painting and decorating)
Civil Engineering (incl. plant operations and mechanics, civil engineers)
Construction Management/Supervision
Facilities Management
Property Management
Specialist (incl. steel erectors, scaffolders, plasterers, dry liners)

If 'other', please specify

All groups

7. Which of the following statements best describes what you plan to do when you leave school/college/university?

Study/further study at college
Study/further study at university
Working with study/career development (e.g. apprenticeship)
Work full time

If 'other', please specify

8. If you are considering further study, what one factor is the most important to you about the course/qualification?

It is closely aligned to a specific career/job role
It provides transferable skills relevant to different career paths
It has clear progression routes to further qualifications at a higher level
It is recognised/chartered by a professional body

9. Do you intend to pursue the subject/s you are currently studying as a career, or are you considering another field? Please select the option that is most likely.

Pursue this subject/s
Consider another subject or discipline

10. How likely are you to consider a career in any of the following disciplines? [Select all that apply]

Extremely Very Moderately Slightly Not at all
Building Standards Surveyor
Building Surveyor
Engineering e.g. structural, civil or services
Construction Site Manager
Designer e.g. architectural design
Facilities Manager
Property Developer
Real Estate Consultant

11. What one of the following has had the most influence on your interest in these options? [Select only one options] (where 'extremely' and 'very' are selected in response to Q10)

Advice for teacher/lecturer
Career advice - delivered via an adviser
Careers advice - own research
Family member/Guardian/carer who works in similar job/trade
Recent incidents related to building construction/control (e.g. Oxgangs Primary, Grenfell Tower)
Studying a built environment or construction-related discipline
The reputation of the career
Career prospects

12. How would you rate your knowledge and understanding of these careers?

Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor
Building Standards Surveyor
Building Surveyor
Engineering e.g. structural, civil or services
Construction Site Manager
Designer e.g. architectural design
Facilities Manager
Property Developer
Real Estate Consultant

13. Please select the types of sources you have used when considering future options [Select all that apply]

One-to-one coaching provided at school/college/university (e.g. careers advisor, teacher, tutor)
Group activities provided at school/college/university
Open day and events
Careers talks from industry
Drop-in service (to speak to a careers advisor)
Careers website containing general information about different careers and sectors
Careers website containing information about a specific career or sector
Online chat or forum
Face to face information provided by a professional outside of school/college/university
Posters, leaflets and booklets
Telephone helpline
Talking to parents
Talking to friends/other family members/Guardian/carer

If 'other', please specify

14. Which of the following sources 1) are you aware of, 2) have you used?

Aware of Used
My World of Work
RICS Recruit

15. By which of the following channels do you/would you prefer to receive information about careers? [Select all that apply]

Open days and events
Careers talks from industry
Group sessions with a careers advisor
One to one sessions with a careers advisor
Electronic (e.g. websites, apps, videos etc.)
Social media
Paper-based (posters, leaflets or booklets)
Telephone support/helpline

16. Which of the following factors are important to you when accessing information about careers? [Select all that apply]

It is up to date
It uses official statistics and data
It is provided in a bite-sized easy to access format
It includes a lot of detailed information
It is interactive (e.g. matches skill, knowledge to a job)
It provides real time advice and options for me to consider
It signposts me to other sources I can access in my own time
It is endorsed by industry or a representative body

17. Which three types of information do you most want to know about the jobs you are considering? [Select three only]

Qualifications needed
Whether there are different entry routes into the job (e.g. routes direct from school, college, university)
Qualifications needed
Skills and knowledge requirements
Personal attributes and characteristics needed
Expected/average salaries
Working conditions and environment
Career progression routes
Professional accreditations that are possible (e.g. Memberships, Chartered status etc.)
Reputation of the role/sector

18. To what extent do you agree that you would enjoy a career involving…

Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Examining building plans, drawings and specifications
Inspecting buildings and construction against national regulations (e.g. public health, fire safety, energy conservation)
Seeking information from clients
Providing advice on legal requirements
Testing and taking samples of construction materials
Keeping accurate records and writing reports
Liaising and communicating with members of the public, professional bodies and councillors
Verifying compliance with regulations
Developing and leading projects and initiatives
Assessing building design
Dealing with a caseload (i.e. dealing with a customer from an initial application, to them receiving an outcome)

19. Of the following types of organisation, which do you consider most and least attractive to work in?

Most attractive Least attractive
Private sector company
Local government
Central government
Voluntary and community organisation


20. Do you have any final comments to make about careers?

21. To be entered into the free prize draw, please enter your name and contact details below.

Phone number
Email address

We are also seeking people to take part in a short follow-up telephone interview. This should take no more than 10 minutes of your time. Are you happy to be contacted to take part in a telephone interview?


Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.

Now please press 'Submit'.



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