
Building Standards Year of Young People: attracting young people into a career in building standards

This project investigated why young people are not choosing a career in building standards and looked for ways to encourage them.


1. This figure was cited in a roundtable stakeholder discussion conducted for this research.

2. Source:

3. LABSS (2018), Synopsis Report re Survey 3 - Training Needs and Analysis

4. LABSS (2018), Synopsis Report - Survey 2 - Resources

5. The Scottish Government (2016) 'Evaluation of the performance of local authorities in their role as building standards verifiers'

6. These have been taken from job adverts

7. From My World of Work 'Building Control Officer', available here:

8. From Planit Plus, 'Building Standards Surveyor', available here:

9. From UCAS 'Building control officer', available here:;

10. From 'Go Construct', 'Building Control Surveyor', available here:

11. LAs tend to look for RICS accreditation or equivalent, one job description reviewed for this research, also lists CABE and CIOB (see Table 1)

12. The Scottish Government (2016) 'Evaluation of the performance of local authorities in their role as building standards verifiers'

13. Respondents were asked about training needs and requirements, including LAs' confidence in knowledge and qualifications

14. Framework document for Construction and the Built Environment at SCQF level 10, January 2019, available here:

15. These individuals indicated in the online survey their willingness to participate in a follow-up interview. All of the respondents were male and aged between 18 and 26. Subjects studied included Building (e.g. brickwork, wood trades etc.), Surveying and, Construction Management/Supervision.

16. Keshefpakdel, E & Percy, C (2016) 'Career education that works: an economic analysis using the British Cohort Study', Journal of Education and Work, Vol 30, 2017, Issue 3

17. Mann, A et al (2018) 'Employer engagement in education: Insights from international evidence for effective practice and future research', Education and Employers Research




21. LABSS (2018) Synopsis Report re Survey 3 - Training Needs and Analysis

22. The roundtable was held in January 2019

23. NHS Grampian, Medical Placements:

24. Education Scotland (2015) Developing the Young Workforce, Career Education Standard (3-18)

25. As discussed at the stakeholder roundtable discussion.

26. This is an estimate taking into account the current ageing workforce (only around a fifth of which is under 30) and the probability of an increased rate of loss of older staff, and a relatively high rate of demand for younger staff.

27. The sample was not representative, but included a cross-section of urban, rural and remote Local Authorities.

28. Provided by Stirling Council and anonymised by Pye Tait

29. Obtained from a job advert for the role of 'Building Standards Surveyor (Graduate)' for East Ayrshire Council



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