
Business Purpose Commission report: Scottish Government response

The Business Purpose Commission for Scotland published its report, “Now is the time for purpose: putting purpose at the heart of Scottish business”, on 28 June 2022. This publication is our response to the recommendations made to the Scottish Government in the Commission's report.


Businesses of all sizes are facing multiple challenges from rising energy costs and inflation as well as the impact of the war in Ukraine, EU Exit and recovery from the pandemic. The report provides convincing evidence that despite the current economic circumstances, now is the time for businesses to embrace purpose. Put simply, purposeful businesses are more successful and more resilient in times of crisis with further payoffs from increases in innovation, long-term profitability, productivity and growth.

I am very grateful to Commission co-chairs Colin Mayer and Amanda Young, for their leadership in this work; to the Commission members for their participation and support in advancing the business purpose agenda in Scotland; and to SCDI for their professional stewardship of the Business Purpose Commission for Scotland.

I warmly welcome the Report which sets out a series of wide-ranging recommendations for business, government, investors, consumers and educational institutions. The Scottish Government is grateful for the recommendations, recognising that business purpose sits assuredly within our wider approach to economic development and transformation, and supports our commitment to delivering a fairer, wealthier and greener economy, which serves and prioritises the wellbeing of current and future generations.

This response sets out where we are already making progress, and where we plan to build on our approach to promote purposeful business in Scotland. We focus on the specific actions where Government can lead the agenda but also explore ways in which we can provide supportive action across the broad range of recommendations.

The response also recognises the Commission's work marks an early stage in achieving enduring behavioural, cultural and potentially legislative change, and that action has to be a collective endeavour. Discussions will continue in the months and years ahead to support longer term ambitions. That will not deter us from taking immediate action where we can.

I share the Commission's belief that Scotland should strive to be a global hub for purposeful businesses that profitably solve the problems of our people and our planet.

Richard Lochhead

Minister for Just Transition, Employment and Fair Work



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