Unconventional oil and gas policy: BRIA

Business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) of our policy position on development of onshore unconventional oil and gas (UOG).

Enforcement, sanctions and monitoring

Unconventional oil and gas developments would require permission from the planning authority and may also require other relevant licences and consents, such as from SEPA or the Coal Authority. Drilling consent would also be required from Scottish Ministers as onshore oil and gas licensing authority in Scotland. In addition, other public bodies would require to be notified of any intention to drill, such as the HSE. With the exception of the Scottish Government's onshore oil and gas licensing regime, these are well-established systems and the relevant public body would provide the necessary enforcement and monitoring to ensure compliance under each option and mitigate, where appropriate, adverse impacts.

With regards to the onshore oil and gas licensing regime, since the devolution of onshore oil and gas licensing powers, the Scottish Government has been having discussions with the other regulatory authorities and bodies to increase understanding of the existing systems and regulations. This understanding of the systems operated by these other relevant bodies is informing the development of systems and processes for a licensing regime in Scotland, including enforcement, sanctions and monitoring.


Email: onshoreoilandgas@gov.scot

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