Businesses in Scotland: 2024
Information on the number of businesses operating in Scotland.
Local Authority Areas (registered businesses only)
In the year to March 2024, the business stock increased in half (16) of Scotland’s local authority areas. The registered business stock rose the most in Aberdeen City (155 businesses) and Highland (130 businesses). Twelve local authority areas saw a decrease in the registered business stock. Aberdeenshire had the largest decrease (70 businesses).
The share of private sector employment in Abroad-owned businesses varied by local authority area. For example, 36.6% of West Lothian’s employment was in Abroad-owned businesses. In comparison, 7.5% of the Orkney Islands’ employment was in Abroad-owned businesses.
The share of employment in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) also varied by local authority area. SMEs accounted for a much larger share of employment in the more rural local authority areas. As at March 2024, SMEs accounted for 82.0% of private sector employment in the Orkney Islands. This compares to 38.0% in Glasgow City.
For enquiries about this publication please contact:
Marina Curran
Business & Innovation Statistics
Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
For general enquiries about Scottish Government statistics please contact:
Office of the Chief Statistician
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