
Calculating carbon savings from wind farms on Scottish peat lands: a new approach

This approach was developed to calculate the impact of wind farm developments on the soil carbon stocks held in peats. It provides a transparent and easy to follow method for estimating the impacts of wind farms on the carbon dynamics of peat lands.

10. Acknowledgements

This work was funded by the Rural and Environment Research and Analysis Directorate of the Scottish Government, Science Policy and Co-ordination Division. We are grateful for the significant input to this document from the steering group led by the Scottish Government: Sally Baillie (Forestry Commission), Clifton Bain (Royal Society for Protection of Birds), Andrew Coupar (Scottish Natural Heritage), Sue Kearns (Scottish Government), Martin Mathers (Scottish Renewables Forum), James Pendlebury (Forestry Commission), Peter Singleton (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency), Guy Winter (Scottish Government), Geeta Puri (Scottish Government).



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