
Role of incineration in the waste hierarchy - review: call for evidence

The call for evidence seeks your views and evidence relating to the review of the role of incineration in the waste hierarchy.


I have been asked by the Scottish Government to review the role of incineration in the waste hierarchy in Scotland, with priority given to consideration of national capacity requirements for incineration given the Scottish Government's ambitious targets for waste reduction. I have also been asked to consider how emissions from existing incinerators can be reduced and residual heat may be reused; and consider the societal impacts of residual waste treatment, including health and community impacts.

In order to carry out this task, I am supported by a small team drawn from Scottish Government and SEPA. In addition, we will be commissioning additional work from others. However, it is vital that all those with an interest in this matter have the opportunity to share their evidence with us so that my report – due to be provided to Scottish Ministers by Easter 2022 – is as well-founded as possible. We are therefore issuing this Call for Evidence and would welcome contributions as set out in this document. We are also planning to organise several events in January as part of the process, which will give stakeholders a further opportunity to provide evidence.

Please do therefore have a look at the questions set out below and provide any evidence you may have on any of the questions we pose. Please can your evidence reach us no later than 21 February 2022?


BMW - Biodegradable Municipal Waste

C&I - Commercial and Industrial

C&D - Construction and Demolition

CXC - ClimateXChange

HH - Household

MBT - Mechanical Biological Treatment

RDF - Refuse Derived Fuel



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