
Role of incineration in the waste hierarchy - review: call for evidence

The call for evidence seeks your views and evidence relating to the review of the role of incineration in the waste hierarchy.

11. Annex 2 – Residual Waste Treatment Facilities in Scotland

Table 6. Operational residual waste treatment facilities in Scotland
Facility Name Technology Modelled Capacity (tpa) Operational Year
Dunbar ERF EfW 300,000 2019
DERL (Baldovie) EfW 150,000 1994
Lerwick EfW EfW 26,000 2000
Millerhill EfW 189,500 2019
GRREC ATT 123,000 2019
Levenseat ATT 105,000 2018
Levenseat (Forth by Lanark) MBT/RDF 250,000 2006
Eco Deco Dumfries MBT/RDF 70,000 2006
Avondale MBT/RDF 70,000 2005
Dalinlongart Compost MBT/Bio 10,000 2001
Moleigh, Kilmore MBT/Bio 10,000 1998
Lingerton Compost MBT/Bio 10,000 2001
Table 7 Pipeline incineration infrastructure and expected year that infrastructure will be operational
Facility Name Technology Modelled Capacity (tpa)1 Operational Year1
Dundee ERF EfW 105,000 2022
Earlsgate Energy Centre EfW 205,000 2022
Aberdeen Recycling & Energy Recovery EfW 143,000 2022

1 First operational year modelled at 50% capacity to factor in a ramp up of operations and facilities entering operations midway through the year.



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