
Role of incineration in the waste hierarchy - review: call for evidence

The call for evidence seeks your views and evidence relating to the review of the role of incineration in the waste hierarchy.


1. Written question and answer: S6W-03436 | Scottish Parliament Website

2. Managing waste - (

3. Update to the Climate Change Plan

4. Waste data reporting | Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) (Waste from All Sources 2018, Household Waste Statistics 2020, Waste Landfilled 2020, Waste Incinerated 2020)

5. waste-from-all-sources-summary-document-and-commentary-text-2018.pdf (

6. 2020-household-statistics-commentary-final-v2b-002.pdf (

7. 2020-waste-landfilled-in-scotland-release.pdf (

8. Note the BMW landfilled calculated to report against the EU target is calculated differently to the BMW landfilled in Section 4 Topic 1: Capacity Analysis. For details see zero_waste_plan_recycling_guidance1.pdf (

9. The carbon impact is a measure of the whole-life carbon impacts of waste, from resource extraction and manufacturing emissions, right through to waste management emissions.

10. 2020-household-statistics-commentary-final-v2b-002.pdf (

11. ClimateXChange | Scotland's Centre of Expertise on Climate Change

12. Securing a green recovery on a path to net zero: climate change plan 2018–2032 - update - (

13. Waste data for Scotland | Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

14. Scotland may still achieve the targets under this scenario depending on the generation and recycling of C&D waste

15. Scotland may fall short or exceed the targets under this scenario depending on the generation and recycling of C&D waste.

16. The climate change impact of burning municipal waste in Scotland | Zero Waste Scotland

17. The Landfill (Scotland) Regulations 2003 as amended by the Waste (Scotland) Regulations 2012

18. Gate Fees report 2020 | WRAP

19. Taxes: Scottish Landfill Tax - (

20. Tolvik-2017-Briefing-Report-Mechanical-Biological-Treatment.pdf

21. Gate Fees report 2017 | WRAP

22. The climate change impact of burning municipal waste in Scotland | Zero Waste Scotland

23. Greenhouse-Gas-and-Air-Quality-Impacts-of-Incineration-and-Landfill-v2.2-ozpmkl.pdf

24. For example, see Scottish Pollution Release Inventory (

25. Compliance Assessment Scheme - Assessment Reports (

26. Estimating Particulate Exposure from Modern Municipal Waste Incinerators in Great Britain | Environmental Science & Technology (

27. Fetal growth, stillbirth, infant mortality and other birth outcomes near UK municipal waste incinerators; retrospective population based cohort and case-control study - ScienceDirect

28. Risk of congenital anomalies near municipal waste incinerators in England and Scotland: Retrospective population-based cohort study - ScienceDirect

29. PHE statement on modern municipal waste incinerators (MWIs) study - GOV.UK (

30. The health impacts of waste incineration: a systematic review - Tait - 2020 - Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health - Wiley Online Library

31. The health impacts of waste-to-energy emissions: a systematic review of the literature - IOPscience

32. Scottish Government, Waste Markets Study, Full Report

33. Scottish Government, Managing Waste

34. SEPA, Waste Data for Scotland

35. SEPA, Household Waste Data

36. ZWS Scottish Carbon Metric 2018 Carbon Metric Factors 2018 and Carbon Metric Tonnages 2018

37. Scottish Government Statistics, Population Projections (2018 baseline)

38. Scottish Fiscal Commission, January 2021

39. Table 2 (waste from all sources), available here.

40. Table 1 (waste from all sources) and business waste by economic sector, available here.

41. Scottish Government, available here.

42. Hidden food waste made up an estimated 31.8% of the 'Household and similar wastes' material line in 2013. It was assumed that this proportion would be consistent over the time period examined.

43. 423k in the 'Animal and mixed food waste' material line, 605k in the 'Household and similar wastes' material line

44. 423k in the 'Animal and mixed food waste' material line, 605k in the 'Household and similar wastes' material line

45. 17.5% lower than 2013 food waste arisings (1.0M tonnes)

46. 33% lower than 2013 food waste arisings (1.0M tonnes)

47. 7.5% lower than 2011 total arisings minus food waste (6.4M tonnes)

48. 15% lower than 2011 total arisings minus food waste (6.4M tonnes)



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