
Role of incineration in the waste hierarchy - review: call for evidence

The call for evidence seeks your views and evidence relating to the review of the role of incineration in the waste hierarchy.

3. About you

Providing data about yourself helps to contextualise your response to the Call for Evidence and will support the Review in drawing accurate conclusions from all of the evidence submitted.

When replying to the Call for Evidence, please ensure that you answer the following questions:

Q1. What is your name?

Q2. What is your email address?

Q3. Which category in the following list best describes you?

  • i. Business that operates one or more incineration facilities in Scotland
  • ii. Business that operates one or more incineration facilities outside of Scotland
  • iii. Business that operations other (non-incineration) residual waste treatment facilities in Scotland
  • iv. Business that operations other (non-incineration) residual waste treatment facilities outside of Scotland
  • v. Business that does not operate a residual waste treatment site but produce waste that ultimately is treated at one
  • vi. Professional body, trade organisation or governing body
  • vii. Environmental group
  • viii. Local government
  • ix. Community group
  • x. Academic or research
  • xi. Individual
  • xii. Other (please state)

Q4. If you are replying on behalf of a business or representative organisation, please provide the name of the organisation/sector you represent, where your business is located, and an approximate size/number of staff (where applicable).

Q5. If you are an organisation, please be aware that your response may be published with your organisation's name. If you are responding as an individual, please indicate if you give permission for your response to be published, without your name or email address, as part of the review. If there are elements of your response which would wish to remain confidential, please make this absolutely clear within your answer. You can make this clear by writing 'confidential' at the start of your response.

Q6 . Does the Review Team have permission to contact you about your response?



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