Rwanda Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant to support community palliative care in Rwanda on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.

Annex C - Potential Activities

Administrative / Governance:

  1. Develop MoU with MoH including project locations curriculum, assessments and recruitment of HCWs.
  1. Agree project areas and full programming design. Develop clear inception report on project outputs and objectives
  2. Develop Theory Of Change with SG
  3. Agree reporting requirements for SG.
  4. Agreeing MoU(s) with relevant academic and other partners including those delivering PEN PLUS or palliative care services as needed.

Programme design

  1. Develop a procurement strategy for drugs, equipment and tests for the training sites working within national regulatory frameworks and within the parameters of SG procurement rules and requirements.
  2. Develop capability and training approach for evaluation leads, assistants, HCWs and study population including consideration of reimbursement within national protocols and guidance and according to SG rules and regulations.
  3. Work with the MoH and other relevant national or academic partners to seek and secure ethical approval for evaluation and research
  4. Develop validated research tools.
  5. Ensure gender and conflict sensitive approaches are mainstreamed throughout and conduct all elements of delivery line with Scottish Governments commitment to power equalisation.

Delivery of programme:

  1. Deliver comprehensive package to support palliative care at community level through community structures in collaboration with MOH
  2. Iterate and adjust programming delivery to maximise impact for those requiring palliative assistance.
  3. Ensure evaluation and research leads in place
  4. Work with MOH to train evaluation leads, assistants and participants using agreed curricula.
  5. Oversea and manage downstream any procurement of drugs, equipment and tests working within PC regulatory framework.
  6. Conduct the programme with strong research component
  7. Collation and analysis of findings

Sharing of results:

  1. Develop communication plan with SG.
  2. Publication and dissemination of findings in peer reviewed journals, conferences or other forums as appropriate.


  1. There is sufficient need for the programme to be designed and delivered.
  2. There is sufficient interest in delivering the programme.
  3. There is sufficient interest in palliative care being delivered in the community.
  4. That national and regional regulatory mechanisms for medical commodities such as drugs can be adapted if required to allow the programme to take place.
  5. That commodities such as controlled medicines can be procured, sourced and managed for the programme and that there is sufficient appetite to enable access to these medicines at the end of the programme should findings recommend this.
  6. There are sufficient in country professionals to be trained.



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