Rwanda Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant to support community palliative care in Rwanda on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.

Criteria for Grant Holder

A comprehensive list of essential eligibility criteria for the grant holder for the International Health Development Programme in Rwanda is outlined in Annex A. The grant holder is required to demonstrate the necessary skills, experience, and resources to undertake the design, delivery, and evaluation of the International Health Development Programme Rwanda. The grant holder must demonstrate:

1. Strong understanding of the structure of health systems and specific health priorities, strategies and policies in Rwanda/SGs Partner Countries.

2. Relevant stakeholder networks and delivery experience in Rwanda.

3. Evidence of NCD expertise including the design, delivery and management of palliative care programmes.

4. Strong programme management expertise in the context of development health programming.

5. Strong understanding of and ability to deliver programme in line with SG ID Principles.[16]

6. Specific expertise on gender mainstreaming and power equalisation/ localisation in the context of a research programme.

7. Proven experience in developing Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning frameworks for a health development programme, as well as ideally “operational research” expertise to support robust evidence.

8. Ability to produce accessible and effective communications, in all formats and to a range of technical and non-technical audiences nationally and internationally.

9. Evidence of experience in safeguarding and working with and engaging marginalised communities. The grant holder will have responsibility for ensuring safeguarding throughout the programme.



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