Zambia Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant for the International Development Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Health Programme in in Zambia on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.


Scottish Government’s International Development Fund

The SG places great importance on Scotland being a good global citizen. This means playing its part in tackling global challenges including poverty, injustice, climate change and inequality, though both investment and policy decisions.

In terms of wider SG commitments on climate, as per Scottish Ministerial commitments to build a fairer and more sustainable environment, proposals should take account of the need for sustainable use of resources [3]. To support and promote fair work practices, another important requirement for the grant-holders is alignment with the Fair Work First criteria as well as equivalent arrangements and legal requirements in partner countries.

At the forefront of our efforts is the IDF, which was established in 2005 to support our international development work through financial investment.

SG International Development Strategy

Four SG PCs were identified for ongoing development cooperation following a public consultation in 2016, based both on need (HDI rankings) and their links (historic and/or contemporary) to Scotland. The PCs were affirmed in Global Citizenship: Scotland's International Development Strategy[4] (the 2016 Strategy), published in December 2016, which sets out our contribution to the international community. Our new International Strategy (published January 2024) affirms that contribution, our commitment to Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia as our African partner countries, and our intention to advance access to education for the most marginalised, especially girls and learners with additional support needs.

SG International Development Review 2020/21 (March 2021)

In 2020/21, we undertook a review of our approach to International Development in the light of COVID-19 and to respond to issues for international development highlighted by the Black Lives Matter movement[5]. The outcomes of the Review were announced through a statement made by the then Minister for International Development, Jenny Gilruth, to the Scottish Parliament by means of a Government-Initiated Parliamentary Question (GIPQ) on 3 March 2021[6].

The outcomes from our Review, and further evolution of our programme, may be seen to be centred on changes to:

  • our underpinning approach; and
  • the key thematic areas for our investment in Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia; note that our investment in Pakistan, through our existing Women and Girls’ Scholarships Programme, was confirmed to remain.

A key outcome of the Review in terms of our future approach, and commitments announced through the GIPQ, relevant to this programme include that SG would commit to partner country-led development; amplifying global south voices; inclusion and diversity; and equality; and contribute to sustainable development and the fight against poverty, injustice and inequality internationally. These commitments were made through our new International Development Principles which had been co-developed with civil society in our partner countries and in Scotland during the Review.

Our big shift in terms of our approach has therefore been to our new Principles[7]. Where we listened to the voices of the Global South, looked at the great work we had already achieved and looked to learn lessons from our partners. We want to put the Global South in the driving seat of our policy-making, programming, defining our strategies, shaping project delivery and wherever possible implementing with us. This is a major pivot in our traditional approach to devising funding calls and designing programmes for our development investment, and is a journey on which we will continue.

Following discussion with our partner countries during the review period, the key thematic priorities for our investment in Malawi, Rwanda and Zambia are evolving to fit with their immediate priorities. In particular to mitigate the impact on women and girls of the COVID pandemic, and reduce attainment gaps. A key consideration for us has been where we can provide financial investment, but also added value through existing expertise in Scotland in relevant subject areas selected for our ongoing development partnerships.

Through this process, the Review identified health as one of the thematic areas prioritised by all three of the SG’s African PCs and confirmed through extensive bilateral discussion with each country, and therefore remains a key area of co-operation, for enhanced financial investment through the IDF from 2024 onwards.



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