Zambia Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant for the International Development Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Health Programme in in Zambia on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.

Annex C: Possible Activities

Administrative / Governance:

  1. Develop MoU with MoH.
  2. Agree location and outfit for training sites, training capacity, and process for recruiting HCWs as trainers and trainees.
  3. Agree MEL tools with MoH and SG, working with existing PEN Plus Project organisations.
  4. Regular reporting to SG.
  5. Monitoring of outputs and outcomes, using surveys of HCWs at 3,6 and 12 months.

Setting up of training site:

  1. Work closely with MoH to identify two training sites.
  2. Conduct health facility assessments of district hospitals in the agreed training area to identify gaps in NCDs service provision. Work with SG and MoH to agree remit for any necessary capital costs including infrastructure and equipment according to SG procurement rules and requirements.
  3. Work with MoH to ensure availability of necessary equipment in training sites and in district hospitals that HCWs will return to.
  4. Work with MoH and SG to develop a procurement strategy, with consideration to the sustainable procurement of diagnostic equipment, tests and medicines for the training sites in line with SG grant rules and regulations.
  5. Ensure work within any national regulatory structures for drug management.

Deliver PEN Plus training:

  1. Agree curriculum for training with MoH working in alignment with national policies and plans and with existing PEN Plus Project.
  2. Identify trainers, aligning with PEN Plus Project and MoH
  3. Develop recruitment plan and conduct recruitment of HCWs
  4. Use gender and conflict sensitive approaches, in keeping with the Scottish Governments commitment to power equalisation.
  5. Work with MoH and SG agree reimbursement for HCWs ensuring alignment with SG rules and regulations.
  6. Work with MoH to agree assessments in alignment with national curricula an PEN Plus Project.

Increase MoH capacity:

  1. Recruit and second a public health professional into MoH.
  2. Work with the MoH to agree remit of work for secondee, oversight and supervision.
  3. Work with SG to agree regular reporting on progress.


  • There are sufficient available training sites.
  • Training sites will lead to quality scale up.
  • There is sufficient health workers available as trainers and trainees.
  • There is in country support of PEN Plus.
  • There are sufficient supplies of diagnostics and medicines in country to enable trained staff to maintain moral and deliver care following training.



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