Zambia Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant for the International Development Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Health Programme in in Zambia on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.

Aims & Objectives

The overall aims and objectives of the Scottish Governments International Health Development Programme at to:

  • Increase financial and political commitment into prevention, diagnosis and management of NCDs.
  • Increase access to nationally led quality NCD care.

Theory of Change statement

The proposed programme seeks to increase the capacity and coverage of health workers able to deliver quality NCD services at district level under the leadership of the MoH by creating a cadre of trained health workers.


The International Development NCD Health Programme in Zambia will contribute to SDG 3, to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages in line with the target of universal health coverage by increasing access to nationally led quality NCD care.


Expected outcomes are twofold:

  • Increase coverage of services to prevent, diagnose and manage severe NCDs at district level by creating a cadre of trained health workers under MoH guidance
  • Add evidence on affordable scalable options for NCD management in LICs


This will be achieved by delivering the following outputs:

  • Set up and run two training centres for district level health workers to deliver PEN-Plus
  • MoH secondment to increase capacity on NCDs.


Specific activities are subject to scoping by the grant holder. A possible schedule of activities drafted alongside our evidence report is provided in Annex C.



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