Zambia Non-Communicable Diseases Programme: call for proposals

This is a call for proposals and application form aimed at organisations who would like to deliver a grant for the International Development Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) Health Programme in in Zambia on behalf of the Scottish Government. The deadline for applications is 5 July 2024.

Grant Holder Responsibilities

The grant holder will be required to:

  • Undertake the scoping, design, development, delivery of the International Health Development Program on PEN-PLUS training in Zambia.
  • Ensure comprehensive gender analysis has been conducted for the programme, at all levels, design, delivery, analysis, ensuring alignment with SG’s ambitions on gender mainstreaming (see Annex D).
  • Use a participatory approach involving relevant health professionals, NCDI Poverty Network and experts in Scotland and Zambia in programme design, delivery and MEL.
  • Ensure a robust procurement strategy is in place for the procurement of goods and services that incorporates measures to minimise fiduciary risk. This includes for the procurement of medicines and other commodities. Due diligence needs to be carried out on any downstream recipient of funding and the responsibility for this will sit with the grant holder.
  • Design and delivery of an effective monitoring framework for the programme to enable reporting to SG against progress of the programme. This should include data that is sufficiently disaggregated. An MEL framework should be designed in conjunction with the SG’s International Development Team and Zambia, including the current set of standard PEN-Plus indicators.
  • Full reporting to SG as agreed, including written reports on an annual basis which take a strategic view as to the overall progress and success of each grant, and recommendations to enhance impact going forward.
  • Demonstrate value for money of SG funds and promote the programme in Scotland and Zambia, through a communications plan.

Grant Holder Expected Role in our Monitoring and Evaluation Work

Overall the grant holder will be expected to regularly review, assess and report on the monitoring and evaluation frameworks for the programme. Key grant holder tasks will include the following:

  • review of our programme level indicators to develop and improve these.
  • draft options for improvement where appropriate.

Existing standards include:

1. PEN-Plus Programmatic Standards

2. PEN-Plus list of supplies and commodities

3. PEN-Plus data dictionary, standardised indicators in use across PEN-Plus community globally

4. Existing PEN-Plus data tools developed in the initial sites in Zambia and adopted by Zambian Ministry of Health.

Therefore, the key role of the successful grant holder will be to use their NCD expertise to develop and improve our indicators within our monitoring and evaluation frameworks. The aim is to ensure these are rigorous to provide evidence to inform any future evaluation of the programme. Another aim would be to ensure that these new PEN-Plus training centres are able to report data in a standardized way with the PEN-Plus community across the AFRO region, which includes current work by Zambia MoH to standardize indicators and work with WHO AFRO on PEN-Plus indicators.

The output of this work will be a short report illustrating the grant holders methodology to refining and developing our monitoring and evaluation frameworks, including any options for improvement (the final report format and the required level of detail will be agreed with the successful Grant-holder).



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