CAMERAS: evidence strategy for rural affairs and the terrestrial environment
The strategy outlines how CAMERAS partners aim to make best use of resources through strengthening collaboration and co-ordination and by improving the delivery of evidence to users.
CAP | Common Agricultural Policy |
COE | Centres of Expertise |
CREW | Centre of Expertise for Water |
CXC | Centre of Expertise for Climate Change |
DWQR | Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland |
EU | European Union |
FCS | Forestry Commission Scotland |
FR | Forest Research |
JHI | James Hutton Institute |
MRI | Moredun Research Institute |
MSS | Marine Scotland Science |
QMS | Quality Meat Scotland |
RINH | Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health (University of Aberdeen) |
SASA | Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture |
SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency |
SG | Scottish Government |
SG-AHWD | SG Animal Health and Welfare Division |
SG-ARD | SG Agriculture and Rural Development |
SG-CLIM | SG Climate Change and Water Industry |
SG-ED | SG Electricity Division |
SG-EQD | SG Environmental Quality Division |
SG-FDARC | SG Food, Drink and Rural Communities Division |
SG-HSR | SG Housing Services and Regeneration Division |
SG-LCB | SG Low Carbon Behaviour Change (in SG-CLIM) |
SG-LCEER | SG Low Carbon Efficiency and Energy Resources |
SG-LTR | SG Land and Tenancy Reform |
SG-LUB | SG Land Use and Biodiversity Team (in SG-NATRES) |
SG-NATRES | SG Natural Resources Division |
SG-NHM | SG Natural Heritage Management Team (in SG-NATRES) |
SG-OCEA | SG Office of the Chief Economic Adviser |
SG-PAD | SG Planning and Architecture Division |
SG-PHD | SG Public Health Division |
SG-RESAS | SG Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services |
SG-RP | SG Renewables Policy Team (in SG-ED) |
SG-RU | SG Regeneration Unit (in SG-HSR) |
SNH | Scottish Natural Heritage |
SRDP | Scotland Rural Development Programme |
SRUC | Scotland's Rural College |
SW | Scottish Water |
ZWS | Zero Waste Scotland |
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