CAMERAS: evidence strategy for rural affairs and the terrestrial environment

The strategy outlines how CAMERAS partners aim to make best use of resources through strengthening collaboration and co-ordination and by improving the delivery of evidence to users.


CAP Common Agricultural Policy
COE Centres of Expertise
CREW Centre of Expertise for Water
CXC Centre of Expertise for Climate Change
DWQR Drinking Water Quality Regulator for Scotland
EU European Union
FCS Forestry Commission Scotland
FR Forest Research
JHI James Hutton Institute
MRI Moredun Research Institute
MSS Marine Scotland Science
QMS Quality Meat Scotland
RINH Rowett Institute of Nutrition and Health (University of Aberdeen)
SASA Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture
SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
SG Scottish Government
SG-AHWD SG Animal Health and Welfare Division
SG-ARD SG Agriculture and Rural Development
SG-CLIM SG Climate Change and Water Industry
SG-ED SG Electricity Division
SG-EQD SG Environmental Quality Division
SG-FDARC SG Food, Drink and Rural Communities Division
SG-HSR SG Housing Services and Regeneration Division
SG-LCB SG Low Carbon Behaviour Change (in SG-CLIM)
SG-LCEER SG Low Carbon Efficiency and Energy Resources
SG-LTR SG Land and Tenancy Reform
SG-LUB SG Land Use and Biodiversity Team (in SG-NATRES)
SG-NATRES SG Natural Resources Division
SG-NHM SG Natural Heritage Management Team (in SG-NATRES)
SG-OCEA SG Office of the Chief Economic Adviser
SG-PAD SG Planning and Architecture Division
SG-PHD SG Public Health Division
SG-RESAS SG Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services
SG-RP SG Renewables Policy Team (in SG-ED)
SG-RU SG Regeneration Unit (in SG-HSR)
SNH Scottish Natural Heritage
SRDP Scotland Rural Development Programme
SRUC Scotland's Rural College
SW Scottish Water
ZWS Zero Waste Scotland


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