
CAMERAS: evidence strategy for rural affairs and the terrestrial environment

The strategy outlines how CAMERAS partners aim to make best use of resources through strengthening collaboration and co-ordination and by improving the delivery of evidence to users.


This Strategy aims to help CAMERAS partners deliver the Scottish Government's single purpose and Strategic Objectives. The effective use and delivery of evidence within and across the five themes identified below will contribute to these objectives through four cross-cutting outcomes sought from this Strategy.

Increased resilience and sustainability of the natural terrestrial environment, of rural communities, and of the rural economy, through enhancing the environment, reducing existing and intergenerational inequality, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, facilitating adaptation to climate change and minimising threats from other external changes. This outcome will support the development of a Greener and a Fairer Scotland.

Improved health and well-being of individuals and communities through reducing diet-related ill-health, increasing the benefits to health derived from the environment, reducing the impacts of extreme events and strengthening communities. This outcome will support the development of a Healthier Scotland.

Increased innovation and economic growth that will contribute to the Scottish Government's Purpose, through contributions from developments and discoveries to industry and the economy. This outcome will support the development of a Wealthier Scotland.

More effective interventions that will contribute to the Scottish Government's Strategic Priority of Effective government, through co-ordinated improvements to the evidence base for policy development, implementation and evaluation. This outcome will help support all the strategic objectives identified above.


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