
CAMERAS: Scottish environmental monitoring strategy

The Scottish environmental monitoring strategy.

High-Level Objectives

This strategy proposes a series of objectives which should inform the further development of monitoring across Scotland. They were derived from the discussions held with the organisations involved in monitoring the environment and the UK Environmental Observation Framework ( UK-EOF) programme 1.

Scotland's environmental monitoring programme should:

  • provide information on the pressures upon the environment
  • provide the information to enable the assessment of the state of the environment and where possible provide evidence for the consequences of environmental change upon society
  • focus on those parts of the environment which are most likely to be subject to change and which are likely to have the greatest impact upon society
  • focus on those parts of the environment which are most likely to be subject to change and which have high environmental value
  • have a sufficiently wide scope that it has the potential to detect the environmental consequences of new, unanticipated environmental pressures and events
  • deliver statutory and policy obligations


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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