
CAMERAS: Scottish environmental monitoring strategy

The Scottish environmental monitoring strategy.



Table 7 lists the twenty-five topics which have been identified as potentially requiring the development of a monitoring strategy. See supporting documentation for details.

Table 7. Proposed list of topics

Categories Topics
Land Geology, landforms and active processes
Soils (including peatlands)
Farmland and lowlands
Woodlands and forests
Water Groundwater
Surface freshwater Wetlands
Marine and coastal
Air Climate change and weather
Air quality
Nuisance (noise, light, odour and litter)
Urban and cultural heritage Historic environment
Built environment and green space
Society Health
Wellbeing (eg recreation and amenity)
Environment and economy
Ecosystem services and resources Waste
Material resources
Energy use
Fish and aquaculture
Timber, fibre and biomass
Crops and livestock
Water supply

Table 8. Operational/policy drivers for improved monitoring of topics in Phase 1

Surface freshwater and wetlands
Wetlands - Scottish Environmental Monitoring Strategy ( SEMS) priority for monitoring.
Wetlands - Water Framework Directive obligation currently not delivered.
Surface freshwater - operational priority for SEPA to update Water Framework Directive Monitoring programme in time to implement by 2013.
Surface freshwater and wetland - Biodiversity - SNH surveillance duty under the Habitats Regulations.
Marine and coastal
Marine waters - SEMS priority for monitoring.
Estuaries and coastal waters - operational priority for SEPA to update Water Framework Directive Monitoring programme in time to implement sampling by 2013.
Marine and coastal waters - operational priority for MSS to prepare monitoring programme for the Marine Strategy Directive in time to implement by 2014.
Marine, coastal and estuaries - Biodiversity - SNH surveillance duty under the Habitats Regulations.
Air quality
Current monitoring is focused upon assessing compliance with human health standards. There is no co-ordinated monitoring programme looking at the environmental impacts of air pollution.
The State of Soils report (2011) identified the need to develop a Soil Monitoring Strategy. Dobbie, K.E., Bruneau, P.M.C and Towers, W. (eds) 2011. The State of Scotland's Soil. Natural Scotland, [online]
The Scottish Soil Framework (2009) has identified a requirement for a Soil Monitoring Strategy. Scottish Government. 2009. The Scottish Soil Framework. [online] .

Further information - supporting documentation and data record

More details supporting documentation that was produced during the production of this strategy can be found on the Scottish Government website.

Supporting documentation:

Data Record:


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

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