
Building and Fire Safety: Cameron House Hotel short life working group minutes - March 2023

Minutes from the meeting of the group held on 28 March 2023.

Attendees and apologies

Scottish Government officials

  • Stephen Garvin, Deputy Director, Building Standards Division (SLWG Co-Chair) – chair for this meeting
  • Maureen Rooney, Deputy Director, Safer Communities Division (SLWG Co-Chair)
  • Lisel Porch, Safer Communities Division
  • Chris Booth, Safer Communities Division
  • James Clark, Safer Communities Division
  • Terri O’Donnell, Building Standards Division
  • Benny Rooney, Building Standards Division
  • Steven Scott, Building Standards Division
  • Colin Hird, Building Standards Division
  • Callum Grigor, Sponsorship and Historic Environment Division
  • Tom Hardy, Safer Communities Division

Other members

  • Sam North, National Trust for Scotland
  • Elizabeth McCrone, Historic Environment Scotland 
  • Clare Winskill, Scottish Tourism Alliance
  • David Dourley, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS)
  • Alan McAulay, Local Authority Building Standards Scotland (LABSS)
  • Leon Thompson, UK Hospitality Scotland
  • Steven McCallum, National Trust for Scotland
  • Marc Crothall, Scottish Tourism Alliance
  • David Weston, The Scottish Bed and Breakfast Association
  • Margo Paterson, Hostelling Scotland
  • Fiona Campbell, The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (attended part of the meeting)


  • Karen Stevenson, RIAS
  • Helen Stephenson, Sponsorship and Historic Environment Division
  • Peter Drummond, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS)

Items and actions

Welcome and introductions

The chair invited members and officials to introduce themselves.

Note of the last meeting and matters arising (paper 01-03)

Comments noted on paper 01-03 were as follows:

Members sought clarity on what accommodation is likely to be covered by the recommendations.

Members checked that industry has until the end of March to produce relevant papers. Can wording be changed to ‘end of March, end of April, which was agreed.

It was noted that notes of meetings should not where possible attribute names to specific comments.

Previous actions were noted as follows: 

  • members to advise in writing of any conflict of interest by 3 March: Completed
  • members feedback on the terms of reference by 3 March: Completed
  • members to prepare and deliver papers according to their relevant meeting: Completed
  • officials to send dates for following meetings: Completed
  • amend the minutes of the meetings to state that it will be the end of March/April/May. Members to send officials a note of the changes requested
  • A conflicts of interest document to be produced noting any conflicts. All to send any interests that they have to officials

Updated Terms of Reference for agreement

The draft terms of refernce were discussed. There have been a few changes made and were noted by members. Members asked for clarity around the wording in the terms of reference. Officials suggested that we need to be more clear in our wording and be clear on the roles and limits on the different groups and how they can take things forward. 

It was highlighted that industry groups are not statutory bodies, but can ensure the information is disseminated. Have to be able to reach out with the organisations noted here. 

UKH have already started communicating with hotel groups. Information is also being put on an accessible area of their website for all to access. It was acknowledged that communicating with hotel groups was limited to the membership within each organisation.  

Any further comments or changes to the terms of reference were requested within one week. The terms of reference will be published on the SG website and includes annex B which lists the membership. 


  • All to send any further changes to terms of reference to officials by 31 March 2023.

FAI report recommendations 1 to 3

Members were invited to discuss papers 3 and 4. Recommendations 1-3 of the fatal accident inquiry were presented with more detailed context from the inquiry. Members noted that the inquiry report was detailed and complex and that all recommendations may not apply to all premises. 

A member considered that some of the recommendations were too prescriptive. For example, digital and printed guest lists available at all time may not always be possible. 

It was noted that a lot of hotels have these policies in place already. The documents covered in the paper are there to help businesses and for them to use alongside what they already have in place. One member organisation already has established a risk group in response to the FAI. It was noted that many organisations will already have fire safety policies and procedures in place, but that these should be reviewed in light of finding from the FAI.  

Another member noted that many businesses are already applying the recommendations. The induction process of employees has become more detailed. 

The need for clear communication and management of expectations was discussed. The importance of presentation to members of industry groups was also highlighted.

Members responded that these policies and procedures are already in place in many businesses and do everything they can to ensure their guests are safe at all times. Some businesses are already using these documents. Peer to peer opportunity will be gained through the risk group as they can feed back to each other what is working and how best to implement and ensure these expectations are met by business. These documents and recommendations are going to be continuously reviewed throughout the different member groups to ensure they are suitable. 

It was noted that industry meets more regularly and looks at these items. Scotland aims to be a world leader in tourism and this includes in safety policy. Sharing information is important. Reaching everyone can be a challenge. There are new people coming into the sector but industry are aware of this and looking forward to ensure that we reach them. 

At the moment there is no handbook or guidance all in one place on how to run a hotel in Scotland. It is something that may be looked at further in detail in the future.

Members agreed to disseminate this information as much as they can. The discussion considered the roles and responsibilities of different parties with regards to fire risk assessments and guidance. 

SLWG report plan (discussion)

A short discussion took place on the plan for the SLWG report. 


  • Officials to consider the detailed plan for the report
  • It was agreed that FAI Recommendation 6 would be discussed at the next meeting and a paper prepared by SFRS
  • SFRS to provide a paper for the April meeting on recommendation 6

Any other business

No items raised.

Date of next meeting(s)

  • 27 April 11.00 – 12.30
  • 23 May 11.00 – 12.30
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