Cancer action plan: progress report 1 - June 2023 to March 2024

The first action plan to accompany our ambitious Cancer Strategy for Scotland 2023 to 2033 – Cancer Action Plan for Scotland 2023-2026 - was published in June 2023. This provides an update on our progress against these actions between June 2023 and March 2024.

Appendix B List of Acronyms

ADPs Annual Delivery Plans

AHP Allied Health Professions/Professionals

AI Artificial Intelligence

ANIA Accelerated National Innovation Adoption

CCE Colon Capsule Endoscopy

CfSD Centre for Sustainable Delivery

CMF Cancer Managers’ Forum

CMOP Cancer Medicines Outcomes Forum

CMP Clinical Management Pathways

CPO Chief Pharmaceutical Officer

CRUK Cancer Research UK

CWT Cancer Waiting Times

CXR Chest X Rays

DALY Disability Adjusted Life Year

DCE Detect Cancer Early

DFD Digital Front Door

ECMC Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres

ED Early Diagnosis

ERF East Region Formulary

ESIG Equity in Screening Implementation Group

FECM Framework for Effective Cancer Management

HIS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

HNA Holistic Needs Assessment

HOPS Heads of Psychology Services Scotland

HPB hepatocellular Carcinoma and Pancreatic

HPV Human Papillomavirus

HSAB Horizon Scanning Advisory Board

ICBP International Cancer Benchmarking Programme

IDA Innovation Design Authority

IHAGP Inclusion Health Action in General Practice

IMTO Initial Medical Technology Overview

ISCHR Integrated Social Care and Health Record

ICJ Improving the Cancer Journey

IWWC Improving Wellbeing and Working Cultures

I4i Invention for Innovation

LIMS Laboratory Information Management System

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MUP Minimum Unit Pricing

NCMAG National Cancer Medicines Advisory Group

NCQSG National Cancer Quality Steering Group

NES National Education Scotland

NRS National Records Scotland

NSD National Services Division

NSO National Screening Oversight

NSOB National Screening Oversight Board

NTIG National Theatre Implementation Group

OTP Oncology Transformation Programme

PGfAR Programme Grants for Applied Research

PHS Public Health Scotland

PREMS Patient Reported Experience Measures

PROMS Patient Reported Outcome Measures

QPI Quality Improvement Indicator

RAS Robotic Assisted Surgery

RCDS Rapid Cancer Diagnostic Services

RM Realistic Medicine

RPSC Research Programme for Social Care

RTDS The National Radiotherapy Dataset

SACT Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapies

SANON Scottish Adult Neuro-Oncology

SBOD Scottish Burden of Disease

SCN Scottish Cancer Network

SCPES Scottish Cancer Patient Experience Survey

SCR Scottish Cancer Registry

SDM Shared Decision Making

SEAG Scottish Expert Advisory Group

SG-TAG Scottish Genomics Test Advisory Groups

SHAAP Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems

SHPBN Scottish Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Network

SHTG Scottish Health Technologies Group

SMC Scottish Medical Consortium

SPaN Scottish Pathology Network

SPOC Single point of contact

SSND Scottish Strategic Network for Diagnostics

SSNGM Scottish Strategic Network for Genomics Medicine

SSN Scottish Sarcoma Netowrk

STCN Scottish Thyroid Cancer Network

STV Scottish Television

TSE Technical Specification and Evaluation subgroup

USC Urgent suspicion of cancer

VBH&C Value Based Health and Care



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