
Cancer action plan 2023 to 2026

This action plan supports the cancer strategy 2023 to 2033 and outlines the realistic and achievable actions that we will deliver in the first three years.

3. Governance

Our overall strategic progress and direction will be overseen by the Scottish Government. The Scottish Cancer Strategic Board will own the strategy and associated action plans, and review progress against them. Beyond this, ownership of actions will be held at national to regional and local levels as appropriate. NHS Scotland approaches will be a core principle to all our work. We will:

134. Review cancer governance and structures with the purpose of simplifying the overall landscape, ensuring appropriate links with wider services, and reducing duplication of discussion and decision making at all levels.

135. Commission the Scottish Cancer Network to carry on its delivery of new Clinical Management Pathways and hosting national networks, also adopting new responsibilities to support further Once for Scotland working where there are clear benefits to treatment and care, and effective use of clinical time.

136. Work with the Cancer Managers’ Forum to support delivery of all aspects of this plan relevant to their work.



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