
Cancer prehabilitation survey: findings report

Summarises the findings from a survey of stakeholders and service providers about cancer rehabilitation and rehabilitation services in Scotland

Glossary of Abbreviations and Terminology

AHP: Allied Health Professional

AHPs encompass 14 health professions:

  • Art Therapists
  • Diagnostic Radiographers
  • Dietitians, Dramatherapists
  • Music Therapists
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Orthoptists
  • Paramedics
  • Physiotherapists
  • Podiatrists
  • Prosthetists and Orthotists
  • Speech and Language Therapists
  • Therapeutic Radiographers

CPISG: Cancer Prehabilitation Implementation Steering Group

HSCP: Health and Social Care Partnerships – bring together Local Authorities and local NHS Health Boards to plan and deliver integrated adult community health.

ICJ: Improving the Cancer Journey. See TCC below.

MDT: Multidisciplinary team - A team of health professionals who work together to plan an individual's cancer treatment.

NCA: North Cancer Alliance - Covers the following NHS Health Boards: Grampian, Highland, Orkney, Shetland, Tayside, Western Isles.

NHS Health Boards: NHS Scotland has 14 territorial Health Boards, which cover specific geographical areas. They are responsible for the protection and improvement of their population's health, and for the delivery of frontline healthcare services.

Primary care: Primary health care is the first point of contact with the NHS. It includes community-based services provided by, for example, GPs, community nurses, pharmacists; and by allied health professionals such as physiotherapists and speech and language therapists.

SCAN: South East Scotland Cancer Network - Covers the following NHS Health Boards: Borders, Dumfries & Galloway, Fife, Lothian.

Secondary care: Mainly hospital-based health care provision, including emergency care (via Accident & Emergency), outpatient departments and elective treatments.

SG: Scottish Government

TCC: Transforming Cancer Care, a partnership between the Scottish Government and Macmillan Cancer Support.

As part of this programme, community-based 'Improving the Cancer Journey' (ICJ) services provide people recently diagnosed with cancer with access to a key support worker. The support worker will support individualised holistic needs assessment and care planning.

Tertiary Care: Specialist health services for people with a condition requiring high levels of expertise and support services.

WoSCAN: West of Scotland Cancer Network - Covers the following NHS Health Boards: Ayrshire & Arran, Forth Valley, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Lanarkshire.



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