
Cancer prehabilitation survey: findings report

Summarises the findings from a survey of stakeholders and service providers about cancer rehabilitation and rehabilitation services in Scotland

2 Method

The survey questionnaire used the 2019 questions as a starting point. It added questions about awareness of the newly-published 'Key Principles' and the extent to which they underpinned local services. Other new questions explored specific aspects of service delivery, including changes since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic; potential changes in local pathways to support prehabilitation; and monitoring and outcome measurement. CPISG members helped develop and reviewed the survey questions.

An online survey was created by SG analysts on the Questback platform for which SG has licences. An online link to the survey was distributed by the SG policy team to key stakeholders working across Scotland with a request to cascade it more widely. The survey was open from 6 July until 9 August 2022 and initial invitations were sent to members of the CPISG and its three subgroups. Basic respondent characteristics were monitored each week and reminder e-mails were sent out to all initial recipients at timed intervals to increase the response rate. Specific members were also targeted if they represented a group from whom responses were limited.

SG analysts analysed the survey responses and wrote this report. The report covers the main findings from this survey, and includes some comparisons with findings from the 2019 survey, though as noted in Section 1 above there are some limitations to these comparisons. Interim findings were shared with CPISG members but they were not involved in the survey analysis or report-writing.



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