
Carbon Assessment of the 2017-2018 Draft Budget

Estimate of the consumption-based carbon emissions associated with planned budget expenditure.

Annex A - Methodology

1. The figures presented in this report are estimated using the Scottish Government Environmental Input-Output Model ( EIO) 2010.

2. The EIO is constructed using the Scottish Government Input-Output Tables 2010 (taken from the 1998-2011 Tables published in August 2014), UK Blue Book 2013 consistent Input-Output Tables 2010 and UK Analytical Tables 2010, UK Environmental Accounts 2010 (July 2016) and HM Treasury GDP Deflators, November 2016.

3. A fuller description of the model and its associated Greenhouse Gas effects estimates that this assessment is based upon can be found at:

Revisions to the Environmental Input-Output Model

4. The Environmental Input-Output Model used to estimate this year's Carbon Assessment uses the same underlying Environmental Input-Output Model as that used for the 2016/17 Carbon Assessment. The only change made has been to use the latest available Greenhouse Gas emissions ratios ( ONS Environmental Accounts, July 2016) and HM Treasury deflators (November 30 th 2016)

5. Updating of the GHG emissions and HMT deflators results in a slight increase in the estimated emissions when applied to last year's 2016/17 Draft Budget spending from 8.79 MtCO2 to 8.83 MtCO2.


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