Care and Wellbeing Portfolio Board minutes: June 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 23 June 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Christine McLaughlin (Chair)
  • Richard Foggo 
  • Mary McAllan  
  • Nicola Dickie  
  • Donna Bell  
  • John Burns  
  • Jonathan Cameron  
  • Michael Chalmers  
  • Michael Kellet  
  • Nick Morris  
  • Ralph Roberts  
  • Tim McDonnell  
  • Angela Leitch
  • David Martin
  • Judith Proctor


  • Eddie Fraser  
  • Gillian Russell  
  • Gregor Smith
  • Linda Bauld  
  • Linda Pollock  
  • Richard McCallum
  • Robbie Pearson
  • Aidan Grisewood  
  • Stephen Lea-Ross

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies

The Chair welcomed attendees. Apologies were noted, as below. 

The Chair welcomed new members to the Board, extending the range of organisations and views represented at the Board: Nicola Dickie, COSLA; Judith Proctor, Chair of Chief Officer Executive Group; David Martin, Non-Executive Member, Mary McAllan, Covid Recovery Strategy, Angela Leitch, Public Health Scotland.

Meeting minutes from the last meeting held on 26 May 2022

Minutes of the meeting on 26 May 2022 were agreed as an accurate record. 

Strategic overview – Kim Walker (KW), Richard Foggo (RF), Malcolm Summers (MS) 

Kim Walker provided an update to the Board outlining that the Portfolio is progressing in the definition phase and continues to develop the Portfolio framework (strategic framework and delivery plan) as the foundation methodology to enable delivery of a portfolio of this size and complexity. The agenda was framed around how each item is building the content for the strategic framework to provide the Board with assurance that we are focusing on the right things. The Local Government perspective presentation, the Analytics and Evidence charter and evidence pack and the Future State paper all support the definition of scope and understanding the case for change.

Richard Foggo gave an update on engagement since the last Board meeting including with the Cabinet Secretary and NHS Board Chief Executives (BCEs) to continue to increase awareness of the objectives of the Care and Wellbeing Portfolio (CWP) and whole system approach to improving population health. The next month will build on these engagements with BCEs, Scottish Government Director Generals, COSLA and SOLACE.

Malcolm Summers introduced the nine emerging areas of focus for the CWP (paper 2) noting these are developing iteratively to reflect current evidence and thinking and will evolve as the portfolio progresses and matures. The Board was asked to reflect on the paper and consider the scale of work required for delivery. 

Kim Walker introduced the summary slide of the programme/enabler status reports provided as an illustration of the progress being made across the Portfolio since last month noting the successful launch of the Urgent and Unscheduled Care Collaborative and the updated strategic objectives for Preventative and Proactive Care Programme. Emerging risks include Portfolio reporting will become more comprehensive as the Portfolio matures. Portfolio level risk highlighted, impact of budget restrictions, limited resources on delivery plans. 

Comments from Board members included: 

  •  the outcomes of the Resource Spending Review and the need to balance with pressures in the system and impact on the Portfolio were noted
  • acknowledgement that due to the breadth of the Portfolio there is a risk it will be unable to deliver all the identified aims without a clear focus and prioritisation
  • consider how the Portfolio broadens engagement out with health and social care to increase backing of CWP ambitions in the next 3-4 months. This includes imbedding co-design into the Portfolio and focusing on co-production with people and service providers 
  • the need to progress engagement plans while acknowledging the Portfolio will continue to evolve
  • building on existing structures, such as Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) provides the opportunity for the Portfolio to connect with partners that share the same aims without duplicating efforts


  • JB, RF and CM to discuss how to socialise the Care and Wellbeing Portfolio with partners outwith the Health and Social Care Directorates through an engagement event
  • MS, NO, JN to consider how the Portfolio links with CPPs and feed back to the Board on the outcome

Developing the evidence baseline – analysis and evidence – Anita Morrison (AM), Nicola Edge (NE)

An overview of the Analysis and Evidence Charter and the baseline of evidence for the Portfolio was presented by Anita Morrison and Nicola Edge, which underpins the scope of CWP. The presentation noted the intent for ongoing collaboration with Public Health Scotland and the whole systems intelligence function in the DG to provide the best available data and evidence to achieve improved health outcomes and build capacity for the future. 

The Charter and Evidence Pack was well received and comments from the Board included: 

  • the complexity of making an impact on measures such as healthy life expectancy was noted and the importance of the three-horizon approach to planning to achieve meaningful improvements on these measures
  •  it is recognised that to improve outcomes for the population an approach beyond health and social care is necessary and the Portfolio will need to join up with economic transformation, child poverty and other DG areas. There is exploration underway to create a portfolio of portfolios approach, where CWP would be one of several portfolios working coherently to make a substantial impact 
  • a cumulative impact assessment of the Portfolio was also discussed, referencing as an example a cumulative impact assessment undertaken for the Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan

The Board approved the charter, with the agreement that updates to the evidence pack are shared with the Board to enable key decisions to be made on outcomes and indicators for CWP. 


  • analysis and Evidence to bring back work around outcomes and indicators, alongside the National Performance Framework refresh, back to the Board in September to update the Board on the progress reached

Local Government’s contribution to the Care and Wellbeing Portfolio – Nicola Dickie (ND)

Nicola Dickie, Portfolio Representative for COSLA, highlighted the Local Government Blueprint, which launched in September 2020, noting how local government is embedded in every aspect of a person’s life and the importance of lived experience being at the heart of policy development. The presentation highlighted clear links with Local Government and the Portfolio on improving outcomes and equitability in communities.

The offer from COSLA included the support for the social care workforce programme, the national improvement programme to improve cohesion around system improvements and keeping The Promise.  In turn the request was made that Local Government must be at the centre of the reform of health and social care and reform of Public Health must deliver support for Local Government that brings about a recovery that enhances community wellbeing.

The presentation was well received by the Board and discussion points included: 

  • the importance of taking a partnership route from programme and portfolio level to support nationally enabled local change
  • recognising existing pathfinders to understand what population health initiatives exist and how CWP can build upon these to achieve aims of the Portfolio though a joined approach
  • noted the existing structures and ongoing work to refresh NPF and Covid recovery strategy and the opportunity to build partnerships with IJBs and Health and Social Care Partnerships


  • JP to discuss with COs and IJBs to consider how to partner with CWP in engaging with the public and bring back to the Board in August

Care and Wellbeing Future State – Malcolm Summers (MS)

Malcolm Summers provided an update on the scoping of the Future State for Care and Wellbeing with a proposal to focus on three areas of development; refining and developing our approach to mission and outcomes, developing an framework for public engagement and co-design, and developing a blueprint for the future. The paper suggested two areas for exploration under the Getting it Right for Everyone framework namely data and evidence and multi-disciplinary teams. 

Board members were invited to engage directly with the paper’s authors with any feedback on the Future State. 

It was also noted that the next Portfolio Board would include a discussion on Service Design as an enabler for CWP.


  • board members to feed back any comments on the Future State work to MS and CM  
  • CM to bring back Service Design Charter to next Portfolio Board meeting


There were no other items of business, and the Chair closed the meeting. 

The next Care and Wellbeing Portfolio Board will be held on 21 July at 14:00. This meeting was subsequently postponed to 18 August.

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