
Care and Wellbeing Portfolio Board minutes: May 2022

Minutes from the meeting of the group on 26 May 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Richard Foggo (Chair)  
  • Christine McLaughlin  
  • Aidan Grisewood  
  • Donna Bell  
  • Eddie Fraser
  • John Burns  
  • Jonathan Cameron  
  • Michael Chalmers  
  • Michael Kellet  
  • Nick Morris  
  • Ralph Roberts  
  • Tim McDonnell  
  • Marion Bain


  • Angela Leitch
  • David Martin
  • Gillian Russell  
  • Gregor Smith
  • Linda Bauld  
  • Linda Pollock  
  • Mary McAllan  
  • Nicola Dickie  
  • Richard McCallum
  • Robbie Pearson

Items and actions

Welcome and apologies

The Chair welcomed attendees. Apologies were noted, as below. 

The Chair welcomed new members to the Board, extending the range of organisations and views represented at the Board: Eddie Fraser, SOLACE, Nick Morris and Ralph Roberts, representatives for NHSS Chairs.

Meeting minutes from the last meeting held on 28 April 2022

Minutes of the Meeting on 28 April 2022 were agreed as an accurate record. 

Strategic overview – Kim Walker (KW), Malcolm Summers (MS) 

Kim Walker and Malcolm Summers provided an update to the Board outlining that the portfolio is progressing in the definition phase, creating a balanced portfolio of reform that is focused on doing the right things in the right way to have the highest impact on the portfolio mission. Additionally, it includes considering what are the conditions for success that are required including the right level of governance, decision making and reporting that provides the Board with a clear line of sight across the Portfolio.

The status reports provided by the programmes and enablers illustrate the high-level progress and connections across the portfolio. 

Comments from Board members included: 

  • ensuring the Portfolio links with community planning where there are likely to be shared aims
  • the need to manage any potential areas of overlap and the role a clear strategic plan would provide to ensure this ties down aims, objectives and coherence to help clarify the complex Portfolio landscape
  • querying the scope to bring in bring in change management from NHS/Care systems, as well as how to engage with the public   
  • the importance of factoring in general demographic needs to support workforce
  • an opportunity to bring DG Economy into the Place and Wellbeing Programme to join work on anchor institutions and partnerships in this programme was identified through the course of the discussions and will be followed up after this Board meeting


  • MK to bring AG and other economy colleagues into the Place and Wellbeing Programme Steering Group
  • KW/MS to share paper on CWP priorities with Board members for comment

Preventative and Proactive Care Programme – multi disciplinary teams – Donna Bell (DB) Tim McDonnell (TM)

A paper on Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDTs) was presented by Tim McDonnell and Donna Bell, drawing on the work being taken forward through the Preventive and Proactive Care Programme (PPC) priority as an illustration of the programme and underpinned by Getting it Right for Everyone (GIRFE).  

The paper outlined an approach that ensures there is a wider group of professionals in the community to treat people’s needs at the earliest possible intervention to reduce referrals and improve health outcomes for the individual. It also sets out the ambition to extend into social care and mental health and showcase to Boards the benefits of working with local teams and partnerships.

The paper was well received, and the following comments were discussed:

  • it was noted the paper set out an adult model and that a children’s model would differ slightly by being led by health visitors. Recognised the arrangement for the MDTs outlined in the paper have been successful to date
  • there is a need to draw out how to make MDTs work and to merge with NHS pathways of care more, such as referrals into a team, and that while MDTs are not new it is how we build and develop and think differently here about what MDTs can do
  • the Portfolio will require an understanding of the opportunities MDTs can bring. For example, information sharing and seamless access for health professionals to be able to make the right decisions. Noting that MDTs can be fluid and can work out in the community as well as hospital settings so there are opportunities to explore the scope
  • consideration to be given to how workforce can support MDTs, developing this as an attractive position and how the pathway can support staff development over the longer term

Tim McDonnell indicated the next iteration of the work plan will consider workforce as an enabler and how to integrate in the programme schedule. Appropriate resourcing of MDTs is a key priority for the programme, and it was noted this would be highlighted as part of the forthcoming RSR process. The Board approved the recommendations and inclusion of this work in scope of the Portfolio.


  • TM and SLR to work together to build workforce as an enabler and dependency into PPC schedule

Care and Wellbeing Future State – Malcolm Summers (MS)

Malcolm Summers outlined to the Board the initial work being undertaken on scoping the Care and Wellbeing – Future State. Plans are being developed plans for a portfolio level workstream, supported by analytical and engagement enablers to bring together what the public want, what our evidence says the public need, what the system says it can do, and what the very best systems can achieve . This work is looking to identify key components of future health and social care systems, as part of the third horizon thinking and value add through the work of the Care and Wellbeing Portfolio.

The next Board meeting will consider a programme charter for this work. Initial responses from the Board raised: 

  • a challenge to think further about inequalities and acknowledging that local systems are already working on this. There is a need to bring in experience from a public health perspective
  • the need to connect with local CPP and their plans
  • engaging with the public on the need for reform and whether setting this out as a population needs model could provide the basis for this
  • the evidence that needs to be brought into the conversation around Future State and suggestion to link with PHS

The Board noted the ongoing work with the Future State and requested a completed charter come back to the next Portfolio Board meeting. 


  • MS to bring back Care and Wellbeing Future State charter to the next CWPB

Sustainability and value - Alan Gray (AG)

Alan Gray presented the first draft of the Sustainability and Value Charter to the Board. 

  • there are three key elements of the charter which the Portfolio will require to prioritise resources, make decisions and plan across the three horizons. These are Fiscal Framework, Sustainability and Value, and Programme for the Future
  • the Sustainability and Value workstream will focus on delivery of outcomes including being environmentally and socially sustainable, delivering better value care, cost reduction and managing demand/planning capacity
  • the Sustainability and Value Enabler will be clear on the financial resources the CWP must operate within

The Board approved the charter, with the agreement it will be refined as things progress.

Portfolio reporting – Kim Walker (KW)

Kim Walker highlighted the package of status reports (appendix 1) from the CWP Programmes and Enablers. The content of which will be refined over time. 

A portfolio dashboard will be developed to outline RAG status, progress against strategic objectives and deliverables and risks/issues. 


he Terms of Reference (Appendix 2) were distributed in advance of the meeting. The Chair welcomed feedback offline from board members. 

The Chair drew attention to Appendix 3 which provides the most updated version of the Programme and Enabler charts for the Board to note.

There were no other items of business, and the Chair closed the meeting. 

The next Care and Wellbeing Portfolio Board will be held on 23rd June at 14:00. 

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