Care in the Digital Age: Delivery Plan 2023-24

The national delivery plan describes activities supporting Health Boards, HSCPs, local authorities, primary care, social care, social work, and care providers to offer new or improved services, whether through improved systems and infrastructure, or access to digital services.

Digital Foundations

Priority Three: The infrastructure, systems, regulation, standards and governance are in place to ensure robust and secure delivery.

Alongside our people and our services, digital technology provides the foundation on which our health and care system is built. Some of what we have needs modernising or improving. Addressing these issues means investing in the development of modern cloud‑based infrastructure that adheres to today's standards, and is as secure and resilient as possible to make sure systems comply with legislative standards. This covers a huge amount of work 'behind the scenes' that is needed to modernise the health and care systems. From providing over 160,000 staff with up-to-date Microsoft Office tools, to exploring the use of ultra-high definition medical images for diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancer, this work is critical to safe and effective delivery of care. Ultimately, better systems can lead to faster diagnosis and more targeted treatment, improving life chances.

What we will deliver

Implementation of a new National GP IT System, moving to a single cloud hosted solution (Cegedim Vision).

Why we are doing this

  • More advanced systems supporting GP practices will deliver improved practice management and patient care.
  • Speed up some admin tasks leading to better recording of health information.
  • Improve Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) and Community Treatment and Care (CTAC) services, thanks to greater ability to share patient records with remote and mobile access.
  • Introduce additional features designed to support patients, such as advanced appointment functionality.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • First 4 NHS Health Boards underway, with a target of all Health Boards entering into agreement with Supplier by mid‑2024.
  • Full roll-out complete by 2026.

What we will deliver

Adoption of GS1 standards as part of the implementation of the NHS Scotland Scan for Safety Programme.

Why we are doing this

  • Improve tracking of medical equipment and medical devices across Scotland.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • March 2026

What we will deliver

Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (HEPMA) system across Health Boards.

Why we are doing this

  • Improve patient safety, better manage drug stocks, reduce paper, and reduce medication errors.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • December 2025

What we will deliver

Re-procure Scotland's Picture and Archiving Communications System (PACS) used for storing and accessing digital images (MRI, X-rays etc).

Why we are doing this

  • Support fast access to images from any location.
  • Provide opportunities for improved utilisation of scarce radiology resources, making images accessible for safe patient care.
  • Support development of innovations such as Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • Ten-year programme. Transition plan and start of preparatory work on new network and equipment complete by April 2024.

What we will deliver

A new secure public sector network service via the 'Scottish Wide Area Network' (SWAN) providing a faster, private and secure pan public sector network service across Scotland.

Why we are doing this

  • Increase the use of online services.
  • Improve the performance and resilience of data transfer, contributing toward better patient care.
  • Provide greater resilience in our systems throughout the public sector.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • Seven-year ongoing programme. Change in supplier arrangements and start of transition to new contract complete March 2024.

What we will deliver

A new master patient management system (known as Community Health Index (CHI)), enabling the old system to be switched off/decommissioned.

Why we are doing this

  • Upgrade and modernise our core patient demographics infrastructure, providing enhanced patient identification and matching their health information to their core health record.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • New system live by November 2023.

What we will deliver

Transition to Digital Telecare for the 170,000 people in receipt of Telecare in Scotland, through supporting Telecare service providers in the transition to digital telephony and establishing a shared cloud-based Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).

Why we are doing this

  • Support more people to access care at home.
  • Increase resilience in our Digital Telecare infrastructure.
  • Allow adopting providers to take advantage of shared routes to implementation of new technologies.
  • Improve access to data and open new service delivery models.
  • Future proof services for people, fully utilising data, encouraging collaboration and innovation opportunities.
  • Remove obsolete analogue telecare solutions.
  • Help prevent unavoidable hospital admissions.

Who is leading this work

  • Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Directorate
  • LGDO
  • Scottish Federation Housing Associations (SFHA)

When it will be delivered

  • Full transition to Digital Telecare complete by December 2025.
  • Procurement and implementation for Alarm Receiving Centre complete by 2023-24.

What we will deliver

Optimisation of the Microsoft 365 platform to support clinical and business operations, maximising collaboration and communication to those organisations using the platform.

Why we are doing this

  • Enhancing the use of Microsoft 365 will increase efficiency and deliver an improved, more collaborative working experience.
  • Support national priorities for Proactive and Preventative Care, National Care Service, NHS Recovery and the Healthcare Framework for Care Homes.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • December 2025

What we will deliver

The ability for Health and Social care professionals to safely and easily share information through the rollout of Microsoft 365.

Why we are doing this

  • Enable Health and local government-employed Social Work and Social Care staff to collaborate and share information.
  • Ease pressure on our service delivery systems and provide additional resilience as part of our approach to winter planning.

Who is leading this work

  • LGDO
  • Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Directorate

When it will be delivered

  • April 2025

What we will deliver

Digital products that schedule, appoint and report on the number of vaccinations and immunisations delivered by Scotland's Vaccination Immunisation Programme (SVIP).

Why we are doing this

  • Support the delivery of Scotland's ambition to have a world class vaccination and immunisation programme, and support the creation of a 'lifetime' single vaccination record.

Who is leading this work

  • Public Health Scotland (PHS)

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

Requirements and understanding of how services will be transitioned from the current ATOS environment to a new modern cloud-based infrastructure that adheres to current standards.

Why we are doing this

  • Ensure our systems are secure and resilient to comply with legislative standards.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • Contract ends in 2026 with a two-year transitional process agreed.

What we will deliver

Modern Business Systems on a 'Once for NHS Scotland' basis.

Why we are doing this

  • Ensure our Human Resources (HR), Payroll, Finance and Procurement systems meet the needs of our 160,000 staff, suppliers and partners.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

An eRostering system to support the implementation of the Safer Staffing Act (2019).

Why we are doing this

  • Enable Health Boards to increase access to health and care service.
  • Provide real-time data to support service delivery.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

A replacement for the current Child Health System.

Why we are doing this

  • Replace our legacy Child Health System and support the development of modern cloud-based infrastructure that adheres to current, modern standards.
  • Ensure our Child Health system is secure and resilient and able to comply with legislative standards.
  • Enable an improved way of delivering child health services.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • March 2025

What we will deliver

Re-procurement of Docman (GP Document Management solution).

Why we are doing this

  • Ensure continuity of service to GP practices, delivering a cloud-based document management system that is integrated with the GP record and supporting workflow.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • December 2025

What we will deliver

Digital Prescribing and Dispensing (DPDP) for GPs.

Why we are doing this

  • Remove 'wet ink' signatures from GP Prescriptions, enabling electronic prescribing and dispensing without paper .
  • Improve the citizen experience when engaging with Primary, Secondary and Community Care.

Who is leading this work

  • NES
  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • March 2025

What we will deliver

Provision of laboratory services to primary and secondary care by providing interfaces and integrations with local, regional and national systems.

Why we are doing this

  • Enable data to flow to the National Digital Platform (NDP).

Who is leading this work

  • NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (GGC)

When it will be delivered

  • Replacement of old/legacy systems during 2023-24 and 2024-25 to support the longer-term aim for data flows to the NDP. Roll-out complete 2028.

What we will deliver

Cloud-based digital components and services brought together to store and share defined summary patient data.

Why we are doing this

  • Make it easier to build, enhance, share and access data across Scotland's Health and Care System through the implementation of the National Digital Platform.

Who is leading this work

  • NES
  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

Internationally recognised SNOMED CT (Clinical Terminology) coding for all digital systems.

Why we are doing this

  • Remove the dependency on legacy READ codes.
  • Increase the quality of the data in our health and social care systems leading to greater insights being derived from data that can improve health and care outcomes.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • March 2026

What we will deliver

Discovery and architectural planning work as part of the development of an integrated health and social care record for Scotland.

Why we are doing this

  • A nationally consistent integrated health and social care record will help further our ambition of enabling people to have access to their health and social care data in a way that is transparent and meaningful, and supports greater sharing of information between those providing care support.

Who is leading this work

  • NES

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

Implement technology that enables NHS staff to access multiple platforms through a single sign-on solution.

Why we are doing this

  • Implementation of a single sign-on for Scotland will bring consistency of access across NHS Scotland.
  • Simplify the login process for staff as well as providing the ability to audit the use of systems ensuring data is only accessed by those who need to see it.

Who is leading this work

  • NES
  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • March 2025

What we will deliver

A Technical Roadmap for Scotland will be developed outlining the target architecture for improving digital and data infrastructure across the health and social care sector including the replacement of SCIstore.

Why we are doing this

  • Building on the integrated record work (above) to encompass all major systems for Health and Care, providing a single reference blueprint built on common, open standards.

Who is leading this work

  • Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Directorate

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

Requirements for Scottish Referrals and Communications gathered.

Why we are doing this

  • Gather the requirements for a 'once for NHS Scotland' approach to Referrals and Communications in primary and secondary care.

Who is leading this work

  • NHS Fife
  • NES
  • NSS

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

An options appraisal undertaken on the feasibility of introducing a new national approach to managing Radiology Information Systems (RIS).

Why we are doing this

  • Support the transformation of Radiology services across Scotland.
  • A new national approach to RIS will result in better co-ordination and management of radiology services, including tracking and issuing results to patients.

Who is leading this work

  • All NHS Boards

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

A National Infection, Prevention and Control surveillance eSystem.

Why we are doing this

  • Replace legacy systems with a modern cloud-based National Infection, Prevention and Control surveillance system for Scotland.

Who is leading this work

  • Scottish Government – Chief Nursing Officer Directorate

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024

What we will deliver

An Applications strategy and roadmap for Scotland.

Why we are doing this

  • Support full product lifecycle management.
  • Optimise our investment in the M365 platform.
  • Provide our workforce with the tools required to support the digital transformation/reform of service delivery.
  • Ensure our application platform focuses on clinical safety, scale up and adoption, adhering to our ambitions for a common technical blueprint and integrated record.

Who is leading this work

  • NSS
  • Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Directorate
  • Health Board Digital Leads

When it will be delivered

  • April 2024



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