
Care in the Digital Age: Delivery Plan 2023-24

The national delivery plan describes activities supporting Health Boards, HSCPs, local authorities, primary care, social care, social work, and care providers to offer new or improved services, whether through improved systems and infrastructure, or access to digital services.

Digital Futures – Innovating and Enhancing Our Digital Nation

Priority Five: Our wellbeing and economy benefits as Scotland remains at the heart of digital innovation and development.

Advances in technology, and the growth in its use, means we need a constant focus on what is coming next. Scotland is well placed to support the development, design, testing and – ultimately – the adoption of new technology. We will seek to maximise opportunities for a pipeline of innovation through supporting the adoption and scaling up of initiatives that have the potential to reduce the already heavy burden on our workforce. This will also create new jobs and roles of tomorrow and strengthen how people interact and engage with health and care services..

We also engage across the UK and Europe – and further afield – to share learning and knowledge, attract extra funding while growing our own expertise. This includes conducting extensive research so that we understand the best approach to replacing some of our core systems, and the detailed planning needed before we replace old systems or change the ways that people work.

What we will deliver

Opportunities for knowledge exchange, funding and collaboration with international stakeholders.

Why we are doing this

  • Promoting Scotland as a leader and as a strong collaborative and learning partner in digital health and social care.
  • Support the sustainable development and delivery of digital health and social care for Scotland.

Who is leading this work

  • Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Directorate
  • DHI

When it will be delivered

  • March 2024

What we will deliver

Data tools to improve and automate theatre scheduling increasing the number of operations carried out across multiple specialties.

Why we are doing this

  • Help tackle waiting list backlogs by expanding the number of boards involved on the piloting of it.

Who is leading this work

  • NHS Golden Jubilee
  • CfSD

When it will be delivered

  • Pilot sites live by September 2023.

What we will deliver

A National approach to the ethical, transparent consideration of adoption and implementation of AI based tools, products and services.

Why we are doing this

  • Create a national policy framework for the use of AI as part of overall work on the Data Strategy.

Who is leading this work

  • Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Directorate

When it will be delivered

  • March 2023



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