Care in the Digital Age: delivery plan 2024 to 2025

Update for 2024 to 2025 to the national digital health and care strategy's delivery plan which describes activities supporting Health Boards, HSCPs, local authorities, primary care, social care, social work, and care providers to offer new or improved services.

Data-Driven Services and Insight

Data is harnessed to the benefit of citizens, services and innovation.

What we will deliver

Why we are doing this

Who is leading this work

When it will be delivered and progress

Improved collection and quality of ethnicity data to support fair and equitable care and outcomes for everyone living in Scotland.

Support fair and equitable care and outcomes for everyone living in Scotland and ensure that public bodies in Scotland’s health and care sector can meet our responsibilities under the Public Sector Equalities Duty.


April 2025

On Track

A Data delivery plan for Scotland that sets out our priorities based on the Health and Social Care Data Strategy, published in 2023.

Demonstrate progress toward achieving the vision and ambitions of our Data Strategy, keeping transparency and accountability at the centre of how we work.

Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Division


December 2023


A programme of work which sets out our approach to the introduction of legally mandated standards for the safe and effective sharing of information across health and social care, under the powers proposed by the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill.

To improve the quality of our health and social care data, and drive up interoperability through using common standards, making it easier to re-use data.

Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Division


March 2028

On Track

A ‘Once for NHS Scotland’ approach to standardised endoscopy reporting.

Gather accurate activity data, prospective endoscopy quality data.

Support endoscopy and urology training.

Optimise scheduling and booking efficiency.


March 2028


A Primary Care Data and Intelligence Platform which makes available data from all GP IT systems daily for statistical analysis and reporting through the Seer platform. Controlled access to the data held in this platform will be made available on a us case basis to each Regional Board, PHS, NES and NSS.

Make available data from all GP IT.

Strengthen and improve availability of critical data for statistical analysis and reporting by providing greater technical capability to deliver data-driven insights.



March 2026

On Track

Transfer of the Right Decision Service, offering Clinical Decision Support Tools, from an innovation development to a mainstream service.

Provide professionals will the ability to use multiple data-driven recommendations and decision support tools on a consistent platform.

Provide validated evidence and guidance for health and care staff.

Embed evidence within day-to-day tools and processes.


August 2023


Yearly audit process on all NHS Scotland Health Boards.

Assess compliance with the Network and Information Systems (NIS) Regulations undertaken.

All Boards


On Track

National approach to Information Governance (IG).

Lead on the prioritisation and implementation of the National IG Plan for Health and Social Care. This will include:

  • Production of an ICO Code of Practice
  • Records Management Code of Practice
  • IG Maturity Assessment Pilots
  • IG Competency framework
  • Consideration of a national body for oversight across health and care.

Support a more efficient way of making decisions and managing data and digital across all health and social care in Scotland.

Ensure that innovations driven by data and by digital technologies enable Health and Social Care to work and improve in a transparent, fair, consistent and secure way, with the benefits for people always at the forefront of our minds.

Ensure that information across Health and Social Care is a secure enabler of improvement for people.

Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Division



On Track

Direction and guidelines on maximising use of existing digital infrastructure taking a ‘Cloud First’ approach where appropriate to do so.

Increase resilience and access to performant, modern, integrated applications.

Future proofing our digital landscape.

Scottish Government Digital Health and Care Division

COSLA’s Digital Office

March 2024




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